Sunday, October 06, 2024


Personally, I'm blaming the great state of Texas for the awful day I had. Specifically Steve. You hear that, Steve? Your fault. Well, except for the temperatures, you had nothing to do with that, although it seemed very Texan. Nearly one hundred at work, eighty plus inside. And parts of the Bay Area hit one hundred and ten, one hundred and twenty. It sure felt Texan!

Last night trying to sleep was difficult, because of the Texanish heat. Consequently I had even less rest than on Friday night. All week long I've been running a deficit. So between all the coffee and tea I've been swilling (cup of coffee within arms reach right now), I've been a bit jangly, tense. But we'll let Steve and Texas slide on that one.

But it was Steve's taste in pipe tobacco that really jinxed the day. I had one big bowl of Royal Yacht Mixture to start at work. Followed by an E. P. Carrillo Honduras Toro, which is a full-flavored cigar with a complex spectrum of dark chocolate, roasted espresso, oak, and earthy notes, featuring Honduran wrapper and binder leaf, a combo of Honduran and Nicaraguan filler, altogether a distinctive and richly layered smoke that's decidedly on the strongish side. Then I smoked another bowl of Royal Yacht (which Steve purely LOVES). Then I had the hiccoughs for nearly an hour and felt quite walloped.

It was three degrees cooler where Steve lives than Marin today.
He needs to take his weather back.
This is inhuman!
On the way home from the bus stop a pedestrian with most of his marbles missing tried to engage me in conversation. I'm pretty certain his gibbering had a Texas twang to it.
He sounded just like Dale Gribble.

Texans thrive in this kind of weather. It feels just like mother's milk to them. They just fire up the old gas-powered barbecue, incinerate some weenies with whole Jalapenos, and serve a platter of bacon on the side. Summer dinner. Just needs Lone Star Beer and a bottle of bourbon, tell you what.

Yes, I'll finish the tin of Royal Yacht. Might take a bit longer than I expected. Plus I'll generously share it with members of the pipe club. I'll tell them Steve said 'hi'.

The Carrillo Hondurans are fine cigars.
Have something to eat first.

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