Saturday, October 12, 2024


A man whose politics I despise requested that I argue with him over Trump. In front of other fellows whose politics I also despise. Honestly, I cannot see the point of that. I do not have to deal with these people when I'm not at work. Nor do I think any of them are worth it.

Furthermore, why bother debating anything at all with gentlemen whose manners, morals, and ethics I do not respect? Just hearing them whining and yammering for hours at a time is acid-indigestion inducing. The less, the better.

And in his case, he's become precisely the type who would turn one in to the Gestapo.

On the plus side, I got to kill a black widow today. Yes, I know, that was untenable violence toward a creature whose only desire was to feast on pesky bugs, a benevolent shy animal, whom I should have carefully caught and released in the wild unharmed .....

Look, if I did not do so it might have run afoul of one of the toxic beasts in the back room, and I would have had to call an ambulance. Not doing so would risk being accused of bigotry against poisonous hard blowing out of shape rightwing horse's behinds.

So. Grab the bull by the horns. Cut the Gordian knot.
Head straight to heart of the matter.
Because, of course, I'd be the meanie who'd go "are you SURE you got bit by a black widow?" "Maybe it was just a harmless little spidey-widey or even just a sharp splinter, stop being such a little pussy, you tiresome old rightwing attention seeker!" Followed by "okay, if it still hurts in a while, we'll call someone to kiss the boo-boo and make it well!"

In the case of right wingers having medical emergencies or getting bit by venomous critters, and being burned out of house and home in a wildfire, or flooded out in hurricane, one must naturally exercise caution. They're prone to exxageration and crying wolf. And everything becomes an operatic drama, a crisis, why, a veritable disaster! It's so unfair!
All those poor people are getting all the attention!

In other news, I just played a youtube video of Yoko Ono "singing".
To which my apartment mate eventually reacted.

"Jesus F Christ, what is that? That was nasty!" "You're darn right I'm not into art!" "No wonder people hate her!" "Someone ought to do something!" "Christ." "Urgh."
"Does the government know about this?"

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