Friday, October 11, 2024


There are parts of my zipcode that might flood during the rains. And I ocassionally get governmental high water warnings on my cell phone. Which, given that this apartment is uphill -- like much of my neighborhood -- are interesting but do not prompt me to evacuate. At my elevation if we have to evacuate the world is in trouble. More and more insane people on a smaller sliver of land.

Most of Florida has reached that stage already. But their bar is low. They started off with less hill and more loony.

Seeing as they've seen through "climate change", which is simply a liberal plot, and have banned any suggestion of it in schools. There. It doesn't exist. That parking lot isn't under two feet of water. It's just huricane season, everything is normal, nothing to see here.

And land slides are very rare there.
It' a great place to retire. Golf courses everywhere, and more Waffle Houses than New York.

They have amenities!

And football.

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