Tuesday, October 29, 2024


It was short. The first place where we went after the burger was closing early for electrical work, the second was filled with yutzes. So we headed to the third, which has actually been our first drinking hole more often than not for a few months now. A birthday party, too full.
The fourth place was closed. So this was a pub crawl that wasn't.
I didn't get to pull a single tea bag from my pocket.
So I am, sadly, not wired to the gills.
Distinctly unhepped.

I did enjoy a good smoke, though. That Sardinian briar is singing. And now that the weather has turned colder, my legs feel a lot better than they have for much of the past two months.

Looking forward to getting out of the house early tomorrow.
Lunch, grocery shopping, a bit of spazieren.
And contemplating evil.
On the way down to C'town I ran into the chicken-sexer, looking older and more Gandalf-like than ever. We chatted a bit and I wished him a belated shana tova. On the way back home on the bus I half-listened to a middle-aged white woman explaining Chinese characters to her companion, speaking with a cadence that sticks in the ear, and might cause madness eventually. She said some interesting things, and knew the radicals. At one point I saw her "air-writing" the words -- we all do that, it helps mentally picture characters and recognize stroke order -- before launching into something about water buffalos (水牛 'seui ngau').

The bookseller probably also heard her, and likely was happy that I didn't jump in.
But it's never a good idea to rain on a stranger's parade.
Especially not in this town.

There are, in fact, three alternative places we could have gone. One of them has a mental person behind the bar, another is known for very drunken Caucasians, and the third one is where the decent gangsterish Toishanese now hang out.
Nice guys. But a bit rowdy.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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