Saturday, August 17, 2024


The weather has been that variable that it's hard to dress during the day or fall asleep at night. Yesterday when I left Marin it was sultry at eighty plus, when I got back to SF it was breezy very low sixties. Both days were energetically spent, and consequently I was quite pooped, despite today being far less warm. So of course the first thing I did upon returning home, both days was have some coffee.

Which is a continuation of swilling cup after cup of tea during the day.

How do I deal with the meanspirited rightwing hosebags hurling foul language and spouting conspiracies in the back room? More caffeine! Of course I'd like to turn the watercannon on them, or send in orderlies with truncheons, but sadly one cannot do that in the modern era, so staying more alert than them is a better option. Usually by mid day at least one of the vicious old cretins is slumped and drooling. Not having had enough caffeine himself.

There are times I wish I had a cattle prod. Sadly, that's not possible.
But some more caffeine keeps me in fighting spirits.

Chocolate also works.
A plate of dry salami doesn't. Been there, tried it, fell back on hot tea.

Despite being a trim person of the male persuasion, think of me as a stout mother superior at a nunnery for delinquents, armed with a heavy steel ruler and hobnailed patent leather boots. During the work day, that is my spirit animal.

I'm sure that brutal brides of Christ in the Catholic part of the world south of Belfast are fully armed. Both to deal with their own flock as well as Protestants with beer.
Paisley's loyal gooons. The soft underbelly.

Mentally, I am wearing a black bulletproof dress. Imaginary nun of the above.

Look, I just don't get along well with unpleasant coarse minded right wing fossils, okay?
But they are excellent examples of what I do not want to be when I get older.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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