Thursday, August 15, 2024


While I was enjoying a cup of milk tea at a bakery Jack came in. Seeing as I've known him for years, I beckoned him to sit down at the same table. So and so finally retired (her teeth were really bad toward the end), Chris hasn't been around in well over a decade, Aaron is a snake, and Donald is an idiot. Plus bakeries and coffeeshops used to have lunch counters where you could sit for hours, free refills, coffee crunch cake, we miss those days.

Ping Yuen on Jackson, Uncles, and Sun Wah Kue.

Everyone had teeth back then.

Not said: the reason why you would sit there for hours was because there were newspapers and no one read their cellphones. You'd talk, pass the sporting green or the business section to someone, do the puzzles, read the comics page. And, pensively, have another slice of coffee crunch cake.

Along with another cup of coffee.
When closing time arrived, you'd leave all jangly from the caffeine and wide awake.

No need for dinner, you'd eaten nearly an entire coffee crunch cake. You were full. Let's go see what's playing at the Great Star. After the double bill was over, perhaps late night dumplings at 一品香。

Jack had bought some lychees on Stockton Street, and mentioned that he was diabetic while eating a score of them. He offered me some but I declined. I had purchased some rambutan earlier, and he tried one. Not as juicy as lychee. Since returning home I've given a bag to my landlady, and to the Indonesian Chinese woman who lives in the front apartment.
Some are going to work with me tomorrow, to share.

During conversation, Jack informed that smoking was unhealthy. What brought that up was that I had a pipe and tobacco on the table in front of me. And I'm quite proud of myself now, as I did not feign sarcastic suprise at the news. Which I've already heard before.
Twice already these past few days in Chinatown.
Remember, kids, smoking is bad.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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