Sunday, August 04, 2024


The weather these past two days has been perfect.Fog in the morning when I've crossed bridge, and again in the evening. And not too warm during the day. I hope this continues for a while, rather than changing into another hot spell, when I'll have to go around naked.
And so will you. Which I really don't want to see.

Besides, pipesmokers need pockets. Some place for matches, a tamper, pouch of tobacco, pipe cleaners, and a second pipe. Nudity is consequently inconvenient away from the apartment. And even inside. Breadcrumbs get everywhere. Or it feels like it.

Nudity is not to be enjoyed. It's supposed to build character.

Foggy weather, on the other hand ...
Perfect pocket weather.

For some reason my apartment mate is somewhat obsessed with the beneficial effects of oranges on the digestion. Very good for British people! Who need it, because of the horrible food over there. Which plugs you up. The reason why the British first went to China was NOT tea, or porcelain, or silk, but rhubarb. A wondrous cure for gastric obstruction caused by the British diet. Culinarily, of course, Britain is like bat country (fear and loathing style), with nothing edible save for gila monsters, curry, and Chinese take-out. Apparently there is now rhubarb growing all over the British Isles. That may be why they gave up Hong Kong. Once you plant rhubarb you can never get rid of it. Darn it, don't I know anything, stupid Anglo!
I point out gently that I am not Anglo, but Dutch.

Hah! You guys need rhubarb too! I've had Dutch food!

We all have our own obsessions.
Mine include handy pockets.
Don't need rhubarb.
Or oranges.

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