Saturday, July 08, 2023


One of the first things I saw on Facebook when I got home this evening was a link to some of the dumbest things Americans have said on the internet. I was not disappointed. Some of my countrymen and women are amazingly stupid and ignorant. And those people are not all in Texas. Although, in all fairness, I've heard the phrase "Biden's America" used as explanation for something overseas being a complete pig's breakfast more often by an Irishman (resident of Marin) than from everyone else combined, and I hasten to add that there are intelligent Irishmen. More than I can list on the fingers of one hand.
Please don't drop your jaw.

However, they do use the metric system over there.
Which is of course a communist plot.
Depraved Hibernians!

The main reason I now refuse to visit most of the United States is that those people do vote, and they elect sherriffs. And school boards. Lord help them.

Besides, they come to SF. During the tourist season the prevalence of "Ameri-body" on the streets nearly doubles here. If I wanted any extended exposure to the "real America", I could simply go the nearest junkfood franchise cluster and observe them in all their glory, with their kids, and their "I got the crabs at Fishermans Wharf" tee-shirts.
Or turn on the teevee to Fox News.

A friend who is a surgeon told me recently he leaves the room when most people talk about medicine. Personally, I feel that he's giving up. Apple cider vinegar, as everyone knows, is the best all-round cure for the American situation. Apple cider and a completely vegan diet, and avoid all vaccines. Whithin less than a generation there would be far, far fewer stupid and ignorant people in this country. Plus honey, ayahuasca, and urine therapy!

There's nowhere to go but up.

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