Sunday, March 24, 2013


There is one Chinatown restaurant which you will never see described in any detail here. The food is excellent, as I know from previous experience. But I haven't had it in several years, and I refuse to go there ever again.
Reason being that my ex and her beau eat there often.
It's probably their favourite restaurant.

During the years that she and I were together we never ate in Chinatown. She was afraid that her family would hear that she was going out with a white guy, and given their deeply conservative old-country values, that would have meant an explosion of epic proportions.

Well, she's finally gotten over that. All of her siblings have met her boy friend. And the two of them visit the restaurant that must not be named several times a month.

I guess part of the reason why I've mentioned so many establishments in Chinatown on this blog in the last three years is to assert that despite dining by myself, I do exist. See, here I am.
On the other hand, it's quite unlikely that I'll ever go to any of these places with anyone else.
I just don't know anyone who eats the same food.

Unlike my ex, I am quite unappealing, and it isn't surprising at all that she found someone new in almost no time whereas I have remained single. Women just aren't attracted to men like me, and given that I have facial hair and smoke, I am pretty dang repellent.

[Yes, I know. You probably think I should change; shave off both the college-proff beard and moustache, and stop smoking. But I'm fairly happy with my appearance, and if I had to choose between a woman and my pipes, I would choose the pipes.
A bowlful of tobacco is extremely enjoyable, a regular pleasure which will continue for years to come, and there is no woman in any case. Furthermore, I'm middle-aged, which is something that can only get worse.]

Chinatown has always been a bachelor society. In many ways it still is.
They aren't snooty, and there are things to eat.
The food is scrumptious.

Besides, no one particularly minds me there.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

e-k said...

This reminds of the Kipling poem:
a woman is only a woman, but a good Cigar is a Smoke.

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