Friday, September 06, 2019


There's a seven day challenge on Facebook which yields some interesting results, to whit: post covers of 7 books that you have enjoyed (1 per day for 7 days) -- no explanations, no reviews, just covers. Which requires some fancy footwork if you don't have a cell-phone. Which I don't. And it's a good thing it isn't open-ended, because that might take a while.

Another challenge going around is participating in a minyan for schacharis during the month of Elul, but that has zero application to this blogger.
Never-the-less I applaud Mordechai et autres for sticking it out.

So, books.


[ADA, by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. The Ten Thousand Things (De Tien Duizend Dingen), by Maria Dermoût. The Ulama of Farangi Mahal and Islamic Culture in South Asia, by Francis Robinson. Mathews Chinese-English Dictionary, edited by Robert Henry Mathews. Amphigorey, by Edward Gorey (Ogdred Weary). The Calligraphic State, by Brinkley Morris Messick. Indian Food: A Historical Companion: by K. T. Achaya.]

No explanation or clarification, and nobody will be tagged. I don't mind challenges, but don't like to pose them.

On an entirely unrelated matter, apparently Cookie Monster now also sometimes eats vegetables and fruits. And carrots. Which is a character development I had not expected, and which disturbs me. What's next? Existential doubt? Participation trophies? A sense of entitlement?

I don't like this. It wobbles the fundament of the universe.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Firecured said...

I'm rereading Walker Percy at the moment, so my photos would be pretty dull: Walker Percy, Walker Percy, Walker Percy, etc..
But I did just finish "Tobacco: A Cultural History of How an Exotic Plant Seduced Civilization" by Iain Gately, which is a great read.

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