Sunday, September 29, 2019


Coffee. Cigarillo. Front steps. Crows. There are over a dozen crows in this loosely organized flock. Unlike the pigeons beyond the nearby bus stop, they do not crowd each other, or fly in a tight formation. First four cross over the street, giving each other plenty of room. Then two more. Then another three. After that half a dozen more, at intervals. One knows that they sort of belong together, because only the crow at the lead of the first four cawed, and all of them were going in exactly the same direction. Likely heading toward the rear of a pizza restaurant two blocks away for breakfast.
Social eaters. But no need to clump together.
And likely anarchists.

Pigeons aren't intelligent enough to be anarchists.
The clusterfudge instinct dominates.

An elderly Chinese woman waits at the bus stop. This line will take her across the hill towards dim sum, seven or eight blocks away. I have never eaten dim sum this early myself, because the only thing I want at this hour is coffee, a smoke, and  the reassuring impersonal presence of crows.

From all this we can deduce that Dutch Americans like myself are not very social when still groggy from sleep. But we kind of knew that already.

There may be giant holes in the conclusion, but I shan't argue with myself.

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