Thursday, September 12, 2019


If Harry devoted as much energy to fomenting violent revolution as he does arguing sports with other cigar smokers, we'd have nationwide socialized medicine by now, as well as free college education. I've told him he really has to imagine himself at the head of a pitchforking mob.
As, indeed, I can see him in my mind.

Instead, there were two angry old white dudes on teevee this evening. And for once the boys in the lounge didn't sound quite like inmates.

As you might expect, this blogger is in favour of universal healthcare.
It makes sense for the government to keep the taxpayers not only healthy but productive, although I can understand why the Republicans see things otherwise, their income comes largely from special interests, so they don't give a damn. They don't have to.

Say, how much is Mitch McConnell worth now?

The angry pitchforked mobs can't burn this shitcan down soon enough, as far as I'm concerned. Everything between the Sierras and the east coast.

Errm, I mean, I love my fellow countrymen, and wish them well. All of them DESERVE universal healthcare (and diet advice), free education (let's start with reading), and cheap colour teevees.

My piles bleed for you folks.

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