Sunday, September 15, 2019


Because there was a ballgame, the day started with screaming. Which during football season is fairly normal. Several of those people are married, all of them smoke cigars, and only one of them is in decent shape. The Anti-Christ (that's my affectionate nickname for the worst Trump-nut of the lot) has rolls of kidney fat that will probably strangle him in his sleep.

Football Sunday just isn't complete without verbs for intercourse in the same sentence as the alleged Messiah.

A local team was playing. I do not know the score. Many of the very same gentlemen will also be infesting the backroom when the super bowl comes around. It's customary. A day-long orgy. Cigars, the alleged Messiah, fatty foods, and reproductive verbiage.

More than anyone else I respect this fine American tradition. It shows why we're the best country on earth. This is why we went to war, conquered illnesses, and put a man on the moon.

Yeah, I didn't watch the game (sporting events leave me cold) or join in the screaming or cursing. Didn't feel like huffing a stogy either. Two pipes, filled with aged Virginia, several cups of tea, a sandwich with hot sauce to make it edible, in late afternoon, and a stiff upper lip. Just before lunch at quarter past-three o'clock I told one person in great detail about the Aceh War, and why it was relevant to American Foreign Policy even today.

[In 1873, because of pernicious American meddling, the Dutch invaded Bandar Atjeh at the northern end of Sumatra. By 1904, the war was substantially over, though there were still periodic flare-ups and remaining pockets of resistance. Atjeh had been a Dutch ally, and became a Dutch Indies territory. The damned Americans should have kept their big Anglo noses out of the Dutch Sphere of influence, bloody Puritan missionary bastards.
But okay. Water under the bridge.]

What the Dutch did in Atjeh was mirrored by the bestial behaviour of the Americans in parts of Luzon, when we Yanks liberated the Philippines from the nationalists who were busy kicking Spanish ass. One fifth of the population died as a result of American actions.

But hey, at least it kept the Dutch and English out, so it's all good.

That, basically, was the start of United States imperialism.

It's why even today there are banana republics.

Keep the Dutch and the English out.

As well as the Russians.

People love us.

Play ball!

Feel free to idolize Henry Kissinger, who put Machiavelli back into American Foreign Policy, where he belongs. Oh wait, he was never actually gone.

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