Wednesday, September 11, 2019


A friend forwarded a Googlian mistranslation of scripture yesterday, which keyed in nicely with another friend discussing a Swedish dish that combined chicken, chili sauce and bananas, as well as one person plaintively wondering how to choose between chocolate and banana ice cream.

This highlights the versatility of bananas. Not the accuracy of translation programs.

"Hellohu, babble and violinist, the hallucinations, the drum and the brain; The hallucinations, the entrees, and the bananas. The sound of hearing, the hello, the shaking of the alarm."

------ from Psalm 150, google translated.

If this doesn't prove the existence of a deity, nothing will.

Now, bananas and chicken together as an entree.

From wikipedia:
Flying Jacob (Swedish: Flygande Jacob) is a Swedish casserole that consists of chicken, cream, chili sauce, bananas, roasted peanuts and bacon. In the original recipe, the chicken is seasoned with Italian salad seasoning. The dish is cooked in an oven and is usually served with rice and a salad ... [cut]... invented by Ove Jacobsson who worked in the air freight industry, hence the name. The recipe was first published in Swedish cooking magazine Allt om mat in 1976.
End cite

It is a beloved dish, on par with surströmming and lutfisk.

And you thought that Swedish cuisine began and ended with Ikea meatballs. Don't you feel silly now?

I've been there once. I survived.

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