Monday, July 08, 2019


If you want something in this world, whether it's your due or not, you must speak up. If you want things to change, ditto. Of course, if you do so, you will get noticed. Perhaps unfavourably. So there must be caution.
Plus forethought and common sense.

Idealism is all well and good, but if it's coupled with stupidity, it's a waste of time. Which is just one reason I am no longer active in certain organizations. All those cats going in different directions, and a lack of effective planning.

Too damned many fellow-travelers who were liabilities.

On the other hand, I applaud people who, fully aware of the possible and likely consequences, stick to their guns, damn the torpedoes. Such as several of the groups calling our government to task in the Trump era.
I don't advise it, but I applaud it.

A recent slogan chalked on a pillar: 和平遊行是沒有用。
[Pronunciation: 'wo ping yau hang si mut yau yong']
"Peaceful marches are useless."

"You can't have a revolution without breaking teacups."

Respected scientists have been silenced. We're operating concentration camps. Rules for polluters have been so relaxed as to be nearly meaningless. There are racists and fascist in some government agencies. Tax reforms screw most of us. Education has been gutted, and college has become unaffordable. Religion has too much influence. Many medicine prices are too high and healthcare is nearly unaffordable. Politicians on the right have become more corrupt than ever.
Republican senators are holding the country hostage.
Flint still does not have clean water.

"A riot is an ugly thing"
-- Inspector Kemp.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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