Saturday, February 02, 2019


So, hospital food is actually quite decent. Scalloped potatoes, string beans, and what appears to have been a hamburger steak. Indeed, it would have been terrific with oyster sauce (蠔油 'hou yau') and Sriracha.....
But I think the medical staff would nix that.
Especially for a heart patient.
Too much salt.

Less than an hour after they let me out, I was down in Chinatown having a cup of hot milk tea. There had been no caffeine since Thursday afternoon, and I was Jonesing real bad. Hard to locomote, due to a brand new hole in my groin, right-hand side. Several smaller holes in wrists and elbows.
I should point out that I am needle-phobic.

Normally I like to pretend that I am young, vibrant, and barely middle-aged.
I may want to throw that idea out for the time being. I am an ornery and somewhat pissy barely elderly old git. Still trim, still mentally acute.
But also irritable, incorrigible, in need of newer parts.
And always keen for milk tea.

My apartment mate picked me up at the hospital near the Panhandle. Fortunately we went our separate ways once we got to the Chinese Hospital Pharmacy, which gave me a chance to buy some smokes and light up, as well as go have a warm beverage in a crowded noisy environment. Highly necessary, because the patient in the room next door had been moaning theatrically all night. No, not in pain. Just dementia-fuelled angst.
I, on the other hand, am an exemplary patient. No fuss, no muss, no bother; just plotting to break all the new rules once I've escaped the nurses.

Two more prescriptions, and an increased dosage on a third.

A brand of cigarettes I've never heard of.

Roast duck in the kitchen.

Do NOT got pregnant or suckle infants while taking this.
Don't worry, folks, I shan't even think of it.

My apartment mate is exceptionally kind and understanding. Food and hot coffee waiting for me when I got home.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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