Monday, February 25, 2019


By mid-afternoon, the usual compliment of cigar smokers were present and bloviating. Outside the rain was coming down, making life miserable, and crap was scudding across the freeway and the parking lot, but inside there was a fire in the grate and self-satisfied smirking.
Cabin fever is a bitch.

Strange things get said.

It's my fault. When one of the boys in the lounge made bleating noises about the air quality, and whether any ventilation possible, I remarked "gracious, I thought you were all methane breathing space aliens!"

A little later Trump was mentioned. The same person who was desperate for ventilation told me "he's one of yours. You know, human".

I'm not sure that that is entirely true.
Let's agree it's debatable.

Stop smirking, you reptile!

Over the course of the day I smoked three pipes and drank several cups of tea during work. So let's say it was a good Monday. If this weather keeps up, as it is expected to, I shall spend most of my weekend (Tuesday and Wednesday) indoors, except for the necessary excursion to Chinatown for a tasty meal in the afternoon, and my doctor's appointment Wednesday A.M. Which means that on Wednesday I should really pack TWO pipes into my overcoat pocket; as I'll be looking for a calming smoke much earlier, and will probably be still hanging around the neighborhood by teatime. There are overhangs there, and the awnings of storefronts that are vacant. Shelter for puffing without getting wet. And of course, I'll have an umbrella.

Always carry an umbrella in inclement weather.

In case there's a need for gallantry.

Even though it is rainy, the temperature has improved over the past few days; I am three weeks further along in my recovery from the medical intervention at the beginning of the month; and I feel full of beans.

Nothing I need to do before Thursday.

It will be a good weekend.

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