Tuesday, February 06, 2018


One really must sympathize with the Ecuadorian Embassy staff in London, because it looks like they will be stuck living with an unwashed Australian rapist for the rest of their lives. He grows increasingly irascible, and probably spends his days playing Candy Crush.
Or cruising anime porn.

It must pall.

Poor blighters.

I encourage everyone to mail them cans of SpaghettiOs for his sandwiches.
Home cooking might humanize him.

Embajada del Ecuador en Reino Unido
Flat 3b, 3 Hans Crescent, Knightsbridge,
London SW1X 0L
Great Britain.
[Para la atención del personal de cocina (quienes sufren mucho).]

In other news, I have realized that there are many parts of The United States that I do not wish to visit. What ties them all together is their diet.
I will not go anywhere that does not have easily accessed restaurants with a bottle of Sriracha or a jar of sambal oelek on the premises, although I will make an exception for Boro Park and Hungarian Kosher Cuisine, for the best kosher flaishigge sushi. Every permutation of pastrami, crunchy onion, sweet patata, chicken, and mango possible. It's "absolutely delicious".
Including the (cooked) turkey and sauteed onion roll.
I'll bring my own hot chili condiments.
And oyster sauce.

I am not entirely sure that yams are edible.
Maybe add a can of SpaghettiOs.
Or oyster sauce.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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