Friday, February 05, 2016


Martin Shkreli. That is the person you need to always recall when the words "smirky douchebag" are uttered. Because mister Martin Shkreli -- a great American entrepreneur of Yugoslavian (crypto Albanian) ancestry from the bowels of Brooklyn -- completely exemplifies "smirky douchebag", as well as everything wrong with modern American capitalism.

The Smirky Douchebag (Mr. Martin Shkreli) purchased rights to produce a medication for Turing Pharmaceuticals, a company he had started, and immediately raised the price of a single dose.
To seven hundred and fifty dollars.

It had previously cost a mere $13.50.

The Smirky Douchebag in action.

Turing Pharmaceuticals.

From Wikipedia:

"In accordance with Shkreli's business plan, Turing acquired Daraprim (pyrimethamine) – an FDA-approved therapeutic since 1953 – for US$55 million on August 10, 2015, from Impax Laboratories. The drug's most prominent use as of late 2015 was as an anti-malarial and an antiparasitic, in conjunction with leucovorin and a sulfonamide, to treat patients with toxoplasmosis, including in AIDS populations. The patent for Daraprim expired in 1953, and no generic version was available. The Turing-Impax deal included the condition that Impax remove the drug from regular wholesalers and pharmacies, and so in June 2015, two months before the sale to Turing was announced, Impax switched to tightly controlled distribution. In keeping with its strategy for pricing in the face of limited competition, Turing maintained the closed distribution"

[End cite.]

Unfortunately, because Martin Shkreli has so clearly won the title of Smirking Douchebag from all others who were competing for the distinction (Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Yassir Arafat, Phyllis Schafly, Idi Amin, Ted Nugent, Vladimir Putin, and a whole diverse host of contenders), the very useful expression 'Smirking Douchebag' can now ONLY be used in connection with his name. No one else comes so close.
Or so perfectly exemplifies the concept.

Martin Shkreli IS Smirking Douchebag.
Always and forever.

His parents must be so proud.

Of course, this is only an opinion. Please feel free to nominate any and all candidates that you think are better qualified in the comments field, and briefly explain why they deserve the honour.
I am all ears.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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Really, this blogger is baffled at the furor over setting fire to cybertrucks, when there is so much else that can be beneficially torched. ...