Follows a statement by the pro-Israel students at UC Berkeley regarding the violence directed at Jews on campus last night.
Please disseminate widely.
Members of Students for Justice in Palestine Attack Jews at UC Berkeley Hip-Hop Concert
(Berkeley, CA- November 13, 2008)
We, the Zionist Freedom Alliance student group at Cal, are deeply concerned by the latest in a series of attacks on Jewish and pro-Israel students at UC Berkeley perpetrated by members of Students for Justice in Palestine. On the night of November 13, 2008 at around 6:00 PM, members of Students for Justice in Palestine disrupted our hip-hop concert that celebrated the Jewish connection to the land of Israel. Then they attacked students who asked them to stop their disruption.
Three members of the Students for Justice in Palestine illegally draped large Palestinian flags behind the stage of the concert, which was part of Israel Liberation Week. Yehuda De Sa (one of the performers), Cal alumnus Gabe Weiner, and current ASUC Senator John Moghtader walked to the balcony from which the flags were hanging and asked the students to remove the flags as they misrepresented the concert's message. The SJP members immediately became hostile at this request and current SJP leader Husam Zakharia instigated a physical altercation by striking Weiner on the head. As Weiner and the performer tried to defend themselves, Moghtader stood away from the scuffle and then made a successful effort to break up the fight.
Members of Students for Justice in Palestine shouted anti-Semitic epithets referencing the Holocaust throughout the ordeal. Zakharia and others from SJP were detained by the police and charged with battery. Citizens' arrests were filed against SJP members who took part in the altercation.
The violence, intimidation, and harassment exhibited by members of Students for Justice in Palestine at the concert is only one act in a pattern of similar behavior that they have exhibited towards Jewish and pro-Israel students on this campus. Last year, multiple charges were filed against SJP and some of its members citing harassment, violence, intimidation, and violation of numerous other campus rules. These charges all went ignored by Dean of Students Jonathan Poullard.
We call on state officials, the President of the University of California, the Chancellor, the Dean of Students, faculty, and the student body to take a unified stand against the continued harassment of Jewish and pro-Israel students on this campus, particularly by members of Students for Justice in Palestine.
----The Zionist Freedom Alliance Student Group at Cal
This blogger's afterword:
It has not been safe to be pro-Israel on campus in years. Bay Area universities have become, with the collaboration of administrators and the complaisance of many students, hotbeds of hatred and opposition to free-speech. I would have expected both the faculties and the officials in charge to have countered this, but it has become evident that most are willing panderers to extremists, the rest being both in denial, and in several cases outright anti-Semitic themselves.
To the Zionist students at UC Berkeley: Keep up the good work, boys, we're proud of you.
To my readers: Please show your support for the Zionist Freedom Alliance student group at Cal. They struggle against a vast array of anti-Semitic hate groups and front organizations, and bear the brunt of a battle for freedom of speech and diversity of opinion. Their opponents do not shy away from violence, intimidation, lies, and character assassination.
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One of the individuals whom I see every weekend comes by with a dog. He's not a one dog person, and it's probably true that the dogs...

Also posted about it, as per your kind request.
Attack on Jews at UC Berkleley.
Sorry, a misspelling in the name of the esteemed campus.
Attack on Jews at UC Berkeley.
I have corrected it there also. Not enthusiastic about BerkLelelyite anger in reaction.
Und sehe diese postung:
The world is larger than Berkeley
After Jewish students suffered harassment and hate speech (including outbursts of "f--- Israel!" and "You think you are the Chosen People and can just kill people!") from members of Students for Justice in Palestine at SJP's "die-in" several weeks ago, members of Tikvah took their grievances to the ASUC Senate in order that appropriate action might be taken against the haters. However, through the course of several Senate meetings, it became obvious that Tikvah was not going to find the sympathies of UC Berkeley officials; on the contrary, Dean of Students Jonathan Poullard made it clear that he is willing to condone acts of terror in order to justify hate speech coming from Israel-haters.
Berkeley - ein neues Volks-Republik. Feh.
This is a joke... The real story is here. Two Palestinian females and one male are attacked by three Jewish men and this is the story you write? Get the story straight...
I was there- this was a fight initiated by a palestinian student it is unfortunate that the girls chose to get involved, but an attack is an attack, and their attempt to act as human shields clearly backfired.
The SJP have been used to spreading their vile propaganda uninterupted for years at UC berkeley. The Zionist organization is the only group in years with the huevos to fight back. SJP can't win on a level playing field- thats why they lie.
Good for them.
As KoshaDillz said in his rap "Silence is not an option"
The Zinoist Freedom Alliance Student Group at Cal are supporters of genocide. AND they hate freedom of speech and peaceful protest to boot. How does UC Berkeley tolerate this kind of organization? It seems like it isn't fun any more to have a concert celebrating the joy of being pro-Israel with a reminder lingering in the background of the state's ignoble history, even one as small as a silent flag hanging one hundred feet away. I'm not anti-semetic, but I am anti-racist, I oppose Islamophobia, and I am disgusted with supporters of states that commit systematic and planned extermination of an entire ethnic group.
James: "The Zionist Freedom Alliance Student Group at Cal are supporters of genocide."
Genocide? The population of Palestinians has QUADRUPLED in the last 40 years.
Oh, those damned Israelis and their silly silly genocide program. They've got in stuck in reverse
James: "I am disgusted with supporters of states that commit systematic and planned extermination of an entire ethnic group."
So am I, James, and thats why I could never support Hamas or Hezbollah, which call for the destruction of Israel in their charters.
"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."
Nasrallah has also called for the genocide of the Jewish people
"If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. (Daily Star, Oct. 23, 2002) "
Israel actions have always been defensive. Its a tiny democracy in a very very dangerous neighborhood.
Remember this James.
1 and a quarter billion Muslims.
56 Islamic states.
22 Arab states
14 million Jews
1 Jewish state, roughly the size of New Jersey.
Randy Fellows
I want the ZFA to know that I hon(u)or & respect their dedication.
If the ZFA want me to biff anyone - no problem - juat ask
The Zinoist Freedom Alliance Student Group at Cal are supporters of genocide.
James, you are a fucking dunce. Israel has not, and never will, commit genocide. There are many more Palestinians alive today than is even possible given their few numbers back in 1948 (unless one beleives in Biblical procreative numbers), and they are better educated and healthier than they ever were under the Jordanians.
I'm not anti-semetic, but I am anti-racist, I oppose Islamophobia, and I am disgusted with supporters of states that commit systematic and planned extermination of an entire ethnic group.
Yes, you most certainly are anit-Semitic (and learn how to spell, you dumb motherfucker). Just look at the racist and clearly distorted crap that you wrote immediately following the obligatory "I am not an" assertion.
If there really was, as you assert, any "systematic and planned extermination of an entire ethnic group", then there would be no Palestinians at this point. The fact that they are composed in actuality of several different groups, not even all related to each other, with varying levels of superficial claim to any part of the land, seems to have escaped your tiny little pea-brain.
James, get laid. It would get your mind off of your pathetic frustration, and might make you less of of an opinionated pissant.
Either that, or do us all a favor, and slit your goddammed throat.
James is right.
The Jewboys are guilty. It's all the fault of those motherfuckin haredim who refuse to learn secular studies. Then they go to UCLA supporting genocide of goyim to get fre baklawwah. And kawwah. And free hot Arab chicks.
The israeli soldiers are such nazis that they refuse to rape Arab women when the massacre entire villages, as usual.
Now they've got dem zionists Axelrod, Clinton and Emmanual through the back door - or should I say the black door.
It's obvious that the Jewboys want world dominion. It's in their religion. Every morning, they bellow from loudspeakers "Ya abna al Yahud, itbach il musliiiiiiim" ("Yo, sons of da Jooz, slay dem mooooooslims!")
The SFDP should kill all da jooz from UCLA campuses.
Sieg Allah!
Though far away, the ZFA has my sympathy. Go on biffing back, and always a little bit harder!!!
They ain't makin Jews like Jesus anymore;
They don't turn the other cheek, the way they done before.
Oh dear, are the poor little Arabs feeling hurt that those mean vicious Jews fought back?
Too bad, tough dicky, old man.
My piles just utterly bleed for the Arabs.
---Grant Patel
"James, get laid. It would get your mind off of your pathetic frustration, and might make you less of of an opinionated pissant."
Always good advice.
And James, under Israel's brutal and genocidal occupation:
1. Palestinian life expectancy rose from 48 to 72 years
2. A comprehensive program of vaccination was started, wiping out all childhood illness in the Palestinian areas.
3. Infant mortality dropped dramatically
4. Female literacy increased dramatically
Read a book James. And get laid.
"And James, under Israel's brutal and genocidal occupation:
1. Palestinian life expectancy rose from 48 to 72 years
2. A comprehensive program of vaccination was started, wiping out all childhood illness in the Palestinian areas.
3. Infant mortality dropped dramatically
4. Female literacy increased dramatically"
And you wonder why I jate Israelis ;-)))
Darn it, those Jooz jes' aren't very successful at genocide! Rank amateurs!
They should take a page from the Germans. Or the English. Or, better yet, from the Arabs.
Darfur much, James?
---Grant Patel
Oh, and bear in mind that more Arabs were killed by Hafez Assad than by the Israelis in the netire history of Zionism.
Think of the city of Hama.
Saddam Hussein was no slouch either, and it would be instructive to look at Egyptian involvement in Yemen during the sixties.
Not to mention what Hussein of Jordan did during 'black September'.
Yes, truly, it is better for Arabs to live under the heel of their own people. It diminishes their number far fester than any other rule.
I, for one, cheer on intra-Arab strife. They are so good at it, and it is so exciting to watch. And unlike the Pakistanis they aren't quite such miserable cowards - they ENJOY strife and bloodshed, in addition to having a very Islamic talent for it.
Go team go! G'wan, kill each other. In your ownj lands. And in Gaza and Lebanon, too.
---Grant Patel
Genocide is a Sport, Jews do not excel at Sports, ergo Jews Genocide poorly.
Hey mister Amphibian, I excell at sports!
Haven't tried genocide though. The equipment is too expensive! Plus there aren't any good clubs in SF.
Where do YOU go for practice?
If she weighs...the a duck...she's made of wood. And therefor...a witch.
Oh, and in answer to Suzycat's question: I usually practice my syllogisms in bars.
How do you come to know so much about witches, sire?
Are you expected to know such matters as king?
---Grant Patel
...and that, my Liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.
...and that, my Liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped.
It was a Palestinian Cultural celebration. Everyone knows that attacking Jews, then making up tall tales about it, and finally, blamig the Jews are all integral aspects of Palestinian culture!
Deluded Leftist
Surely, Deluded Leftist, that should read "blaming The Jew", thereby indicating the monolithic nature of Zionist Oppression.
"Haven't tried genocide though. The equipment is too expensive!"
Well, Suzy dearest. Try the Rwanda solution. Genocide by machete. $9.95 at your local garden supply shop
Randy Steel
You'll need an awfully big posse to perpetrate genocide on those terms.
Awfully big posse X $9.95 = a lot of dough (although why pay retail).
Maybe genocide, like yachting or polo, is too expensive a hobby, and should be left to the wealthier segments of society.
Seven million Israelis can't be wrong.
One billion Chinese can't all be Wong.
I'd like to add that it is much more supportable by historical record that in the last 60 years the Jews who have lived in Damascus, Bagdad, Iran, Cairo, Algeria, etc. have been kicked out and killed by Arabs and other Moslems, than it is supportable that the Jews have done anything like that Moslem or Arab peoples. In fact, the Arabs who chose to stay in Israel have been able to live in peace. This is not to say that Israel or Israelis have been perfect, but on a scale between them and Moslem countries, or between them and nearly every other country, they have striven to act humanely and lawfully, given the situation. The situation is admittedly tragic, and it is too bad that the world generally is suffering from overpopulation and competing claims to the same land and resources. I only hope that Arabs with goodwill and Jews with goodwill can meet on a plain of peace and harmony someday, knowing that what they share (general discrimination by the rest of the world) is more important than what divides them.
I don't understand Zionists' claim to a land that was already inhabited by other people. We live in a modern era. Why should Americans support an apartheid state because it believes that religious texts have 'granted' a single people the right to establish a racially defined state to the exclusion of the residents who were living there throughout the 19th and 20th centuries when Jesiwh immigrants were being imported from Europe. While the Holocaust is a horrendous legacy, how does the Jewish state honor the memory of those who were killed by Nazi Germany by perpetrating similar acts of exclusion and oppression? I really don't understand the Zionist mentality...Also, many Jews are anti-Zionist
I don't understand Zionists' claim to a land that was already inhabited by other people.
There were Jews living there among the other people. The other people came in with conquerors over the centuries. Jews, however, have always lived there. Furthermore, the Zionist purchased land - and developed the barren areas which they bought. It was the economic development of those lands that drew in even more people.
Also, the Jewish quarters of Jerusalem and Hebron, as well as other places inside the land, were ethnically cleansed by Arab mobs in the twenties and thirties - how do you justify Arabs even daring to claim those areas?
Why should Americans support an apartheid state
America does not support an Apartheid state - Israeli Arabs have the right to vote, to own property, and to participate at all levels in Israeli society. And there are Arabs in the ranks of most political parties and all ministries. There are also Arab parties in the Knesset. There are jobs and stations where having served in the IDF give you a much greater entry - Arabs are free to join the IDF. Druze Arabs and many Bedouin do serve in the military (and note that there are Knesset speakers, ministers, officers, and department heads from the Arab Israeli side). All who stayed in 1948 became citizens.
The distinction is with the population in the territories - who are not citizens, and do not wish to be citizens, of a praedominantly Jewish state. They have their own institutions, which are overwhelmingly Judenrein - this despite there having been Jewish populations in both the West Bank and Gaza (that latter population ethnically cleansed several times, the last time during the British period) which date back to the pre-Roman period. Obviously, a population which will not become citizens, and is not even desirous of that - which in fact is acknowledged by all sides as heading towards eventual statehood of its own - cannot be administered in the same way as citizens. They are administered under British Mandate codes and Ottoman law. As they were when the Jordanians ruled over them, and as they were after Egypt had seized Gaza. The laws in those areas are a confusing and oppressive welter, due to it being illegal to change them until locally valid representative bodies do so.
Apartheid state ....
Like Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, and several others which have nationality laws based on racial and religious exclusionism, coupled with a large number of 'guest-workers' who are treated worse than animals?
Do you want to talk about Mexican dishwashers and lettuce pickers? How about Turks who have been three generations in Northern Europe, and are still "foreigners"?
Chinese and Indians in Malaysia who have been there for centuries and are discriminated against?
Koreans in Japan?
Indians and Pakistanis in the Gulf?
because it believes that religious texts have 'granted' a single people the right to establish a racially defined state to the exclusion of the residents who were living there throughout the 19th and 20th centuries when Jewish immigrants were being imported from Europe.
Zionism is not based on the Bible but on that land being the historic homeland of the Jewish people - even the Romans admitted precisely that. As did the Arabs - in the Quaran, during the various Caliphates, under the Ottomans, and even in the 1920s when the Arabs were becoming nations. Kings Abdullah (assassinated by a Palestinian in Jerusalem) and Hussein (of blessed memory) also granted the Jewish right to the land.
Nor is the state racially defined (and 'race' in any case is no longer used as a defining term by most anthropologists). There are Jews of every "racial" stripe known to man. In what way is a glow-in-the-dark Hassid from Lithuania the same race as a Persian Jew, an Egyptian Jew, a Baghdadi, a Jew from Samarkand or Bokhara, or a Sfard from Morocco?
And exclusion? Did I already mention that those who stayed, contrary to the commands of the invading Arab armies and at the express request of Jewish leaders in 1948, were automatically granted citizenship? If I didn't mention it, I apologize - I should have.
And speaking of 'exclusion', I should also mention the Jews excluded in very large numbers from Islamic countries - were they had lived since before Islam, in many cases, and in some cases before the current population settled there (that being most notably ALL the lands inhabited today by Turkic majorities, all of which were conquered by invaders from the steppes between ten and four centuries ago - Istanbul used to be Constantinople, and the Greeks still want it back).
Jewish immigrants imported from Europe? Indeed, many of the citizens of Israel have ancestors who came from there. Over half the Jewish population however came from Arab and Muslim lands that they were kicked out of since 1948. And do not forget, there were already Jews there when they returned to Israel. Many of whom had never been elsewhere - the territory assigned to them by the United Nations was the area of Jewish majority, not the total area where there were Jews. Those who were thrown out of the Arab countries were robbed by the Arabs before they left, and arrived with nothing. As the US Congress in fact recognizes. Note that these exiles were absorbed by their kin - precisely as the Arabs have refused to absorb their kin.
to the exclusion of the residents who were living there throughout the 19th and 20th centuries
The return to the land was already happening in small measure before Zionism - Jews returned to Jerusalem, Hebron, Tzfat, and Gaza throughout Ottoman times, and there were Jews who already lived there.
For eight decades till 1948, Jewish population there increased.
Since independence, it has been a Jewish state - all in all, Jews have been a majority in their land now for several generations. Many were born there, their parents were born there. And many even have grandparents, great grandparents, and even further kin who were born there. They live there now, and most have not lived anywhere else.
If being born in the US makes you an American, or a citizen of many other countries, then by that same reason the Jews in Israel are validly of Israel, and the "Palestinians" born in NahrElBard or Jordan are Lebanese and Jordanian.
Oh wait, Arabs practice an exclusionism even more bitter than Europeans and Malays. They discriminate against their own kin.
While the Holocaust is a horrendous legacy, how does the Jewish state honor the memory of those who were killed by Nazi Germany by perpetrating similar acts of exclusion and oppression?
The comparison is obscene. After 1967, the population in the territories more than tripled. Even in Gaza since the intifada, there has been a forty percent increase in the population, as per a news item on the BBC website which quotes UN figures. There are no death camps. There are no gas chambers. There are no torture rooms. The Arabs in the West Bank largely have their own officials to blame for the mess their in (corruption nurtured and encouraged by the UN), and the Arabs in Gaza can thank Hamas (whose snarky nickname, by the way, is SHIA - in acknowledgement of the Iranian contribution) for their situation.
I really don't understand the Zionist mentality
That may be due to ignorance.
Also, many Jews are anti-Zionist
That also may be due to ignorance. Provided we give them the benefit of doubt.
But more because they desperately wish to be good Jews, like the good Germans. Blending in is a powerful motivator for Uncle-Tomism. As is profound self-hatred.
By the same token, very few non-Jews seek out Jews, unless to prove that they are not anti-Semites because their 'best friends' are Jewish. Not wishing to be associated with a taboo minority is also a powerful motivator. As is profound subconscious hatred.
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