Tuesday, November 11, 2008


One of the most disturbing things I have read in recent weeks is an editorial in the New York Times.


It mentions the killing of a hispanic man in a Long Island town.

"The police arrested seven teenage boys, who they said had driven into the village from out of town looking for Latinos to beat up. The police said the mob cornered Mr. Lucero and another man, who escaped and later identified the suspects to the police. A prosecutor at the arraignment on Monday quoted the young men as having said: "Let’s go find some Mexicans."
They have pleaded not guilty."

Another article:

"The teenagers - one junior and six seniors at Patchogue-Medford High School - were arraigned Monday on gang assault charges and entered not guilty pleas. The teen believed to have wielded the knife, 17-year-old Jeffrey Conroy, was also charged with manslaughter as a hate crime. His attorney did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment."

Another quote:
"In 2000, two Mexican men were beaten by two locals in Farmingville who promised them work. On July 4, 2003, a Mexican family barely escaped with their lives after teens set their Farmingville house ablaze by shooting fireworks through a window.
Two years later, two Mexican immigrants fishing off a Long Island jetty were set upon by four white youths who beat them and stole their money while using racial and ethnic slurs."

And, to top it off:
"Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy, a co-founder of a national group called Mayors and Executives for Immigration Reform, rejected suggestions that the killing was related in any way to the immigration debate."

With all due respect, I would like to suggest that mr. Steve Levy is both a dunce and a rascall.

The immigration debate was fueled by racism and bigotry, the attitudes and actions of those teenagers were fueled by racism and bigotry, the entire chain of events is clear evidence of racism and bigotry. The killing of mr. Lucero and the debate about immigration are in effect, and in practice, two pages from the same book. If it weren't for the racism and bigotry that flourishes in small towns and among the under-educated, and the encouragement that such racism and bigotry have received from politicians over the last several years, it is unlikely that any one would have thought "let’s go find some Mexicans", even less likely that anyone would have considered acting upon that thought, and barely even conceivable that it would have been seven highschoolers.

Without the racism and bigotry which is fundamental to our immigration debate, mr. Lucero would not have been murdered.

Clearly there is a venomous atmosphere in the hinterlands.

Suffolk County may need to rethink its membership of the civilized world. And seriously consider making family planning and abortions easily available to the natives, because, dammit, the slope-brows are breeding.


Spiros said...

The slope-brows always breed: they have no other ways to pass the time.

Anonymous said...

What, not even wrestling on the boob?

Or swilling bud while scarfing cheesesticks and pretzels?

Shee, what is that world coming too?

---Grant Patel

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...

It's interesting that the Wichita massacre, the Newsom/Christian murders and the recent murder of a withe marine married to a black women buy 4 of his black soldiers and similar crimes are invariably -and immediately - declared non-racially motivated. And they are ignored in the media. The times didn't report AT ALL about the last two cases, period. Not in print, not on the net.

And the fact that illegal immigrants have triple the rate of violent crime of US citizens. Ask any US born "Hispanic" whether they love illegals or not. I know enough people of south American descent who hate illegal immigrants more than anybody else.

J. "יהוא בן יהושפט בן נמשי" Izrael said...





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