Friday, March 13, 2009


It turns out that I am a much more patient and tolerant person than Savage Kitten. If you've read this blog for a while, this may surprise you no end. But it is nevertheless the unvarnished truth.

Years ago she borrowed 'The DaVinci Code' from the library to see what all the hoopla was about. I think she got halfway through the first page before deciding that it was a load of bollocks and popular only because people are idiots. On the other hand I got through nearly two pages before deciding de gustibus non disputandem est, the writing in this thing is bad, meh.

We also tried to watch 'Last Year in Marienbad' together. A more pretentious piece of artistic excrescence is hard to imagine. She watched five minutes and concluded that it stank, I saw at least fifteen minutes before regretfully realizing that there was no plot, the characters were flat and unlikable, the dialogue jejeune and pointless, and the cinematography repetitive and derivative.


Last night we sat down to watch 'The Legend of the Black Scorpion', starring Zhang Ziyi and Daniel Wu, directed by Feng Xiaogang. Less than ten minutes into it, she disappeared into the other room, having several times pronounced it a stinker.
Except for a smoke break during which I fixed myself a whiskey and water, I sat through the whole thing.

I think I now understand why Chinese novelists like to feature extended families of several hundred named characters in their works - if, in a fit of pique, they decide to kill off everybody they'll have plenty of scope for creative murder.
The Legend Of The Black Scorpion is a blood-spatter epic. Played for beauty and importance rather than laughs. It is inspired by Hamlet, as interpreted by either Macchiavelli or Ingmar Bergman.
Zhang Ziyi is Hamlet's mom during the period between the T'ang Dynasty and Sung, when the empire was in turmoil and several houses competed for power. Hamlet, in the person of Wu Luan (Daniel Wu), is the crown prince. An artistic sort of chappie, who heads into the distant and semi-barbaric south in a funk once his dad marries Wan'er (Zhang Ziyi), where he stages very meaningful stage pieces in a forest setting for an audience of nil comma nil spectators. Very meaningful! You can tell by the angst that drips off the screen. His dad subsequently gets whacked by his uncle, who then takes Zhang Ziyi as his wife. Several uninteresting plot-twists later, everybody dies of poison or violence.

I thoroughly enjoyed the dramatic deaths of the uncle (poison-suicide) and the empress (surprise sword through the chest). These were very nice. Lots of other people also die in this movie, but in boring ways.
I got the distinct impression that no one was chosen for their acting ability.

However, it is a visually striking movie. Absolutely beautiful. The cinematography deserves kudos. Despite the not-particularly inspired writing, and unsubtle ripp-off of Shakespeare's little Danish adventure, this movie is big, bold, brassy, and epic.
When you watch it, mute the sound and invent your own dialogue.


Spiros said...

Da Vinci Code: worst opening sentence EVER>

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Without the singing and dancing by a caste of thousands scantilly clad so necessary for good entertainment, it is unblikely that this movie would possibly be worth seeing.

Singing. Dancing. Wet sarees. Oh my.

---Grant Ponggheewhumps

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Da Vinci Code. Piece of crap. I agree.

---Gruesome Prunes


Never read the Da Vinci code. The fulsome praise it recieved from some very stupid people moved me to avoid it like the plague.

Life is to short to read crap. Or drink Starbucks.


The movie sounds like a hoot. Even without the soggy dresses that mister Ponggheewhumps think fine.

So tell me, Ponghiwumpus, do they have wet sari contests in YOUR neck of the woods?

They really should.


Some of those Indian babes have very generous, erm, eh, you know, that is to say, um ......

Kinda like ripe mangoes.

GRANT!PATEL! said...


Rambunctious, and fruity. Like the ultimate fruitbasket for a dying man. With buttocks that look like the forehead of love's elephant.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And all of that in frenetic motion.

Good for the hips. The swingy generous hips. With curves and shiny spots and silken tasselry. Oh veritably yes yes yes!

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I'm farklempt now. Discuss.

---Grant Patel

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