Thursday, March 12, 2009


One of the things which upsets European visitors to San Francisco is the rather paltry and haphazard prostitution here. Apparently there are so few opportunities for abusing the fairer sex that, somehow, we seem less of a city. Not at all world-class.

I was of course flabbergasted when I first heard this, as I had always assumed that we had a lively grown-up sex trade, and more than adequately catered to the depraved whims of our visitors. But no. Several Germans and Englishmen, as well as two drunken Dutchmen, have complained bitterly about the lack of by-the-hour opportunities.
We are totally inadequate, in their estimation.


In a way this is understandable. Nearly half of all women trafficked worldwide end up in Western Europe, many in establishments in Germany, Holland, and England. Over two hundred thousand Eastern European girls are sold to houses in western Europe every year. Places like Moldova and Macedonia are central to this trade in teenage female flesh, with the smuggling route often going overland through various Slavic and Germanic territories - to the immense profit of officials, it must be added. But Asian and African women are simply flown in on spurious visas, thus enormously benefiting the consular services of the destination countries.

Many Western European young men are accustomed to cap off a night of binge-drinking by brutalizing a third-world woman. Sometimes the entire group happily heads out to the red-light district. It's a bonding experience, much like Berkeley frat-boys heaving up their guts in the Tenderloin.

Anyone wishing to study the world's languages need only spend a few hours in the red light districts of Hamburg, Rotterdam, and London, to get plenty of gritty real-life linguistic exposure. Rotterdam of course dwarfs the other two cities in that regard, and the Dutch are talented linguists in addition to being central to the European sex slave trade. Other important players are the Turks, Yugoslavs, and Italians - but for sheer bold enterprise and chutzpah the Dutch take the cake, having set up brokerages in many third-world countries, even going so far as to recruit Philippinas in the Persian Gulf who wish to escape their brutal Arab employers.
All of this benefits huge numbers of Netherlandish, Belgian, German, and British men, whose tastes and preferences preclude normal relationships.

Random quotes from articles about the European sex slave trade:
" ..... her owner would kill her ... forced to have sex with as many as ... savagely beaten ... she no longer had the will ... breaks them in ... young girls are forced ... obliging border guards ... killed for trying to escape ... trapped in a brothel ... Dutch police officials estimate that as many as 70 percent of the prostitutes in the Netherlands are working illegally, using false documents provided by smugglers to skirt Dutch and European laws ..... "


Visiting San Francisco is a hardship for many young Western European heterosexual males, who completely fail to understand, once here, that our ethnic diversity does NOT represent several layers of sexual underclass. One can only sympathize with their disillusionment.
And hope that they do not stay too long.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Bugger the Europeans!

Oh wait.... they'd LIKE that. Never mind.

---Grosspurt Bingle

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Hey boys, where da white wimmins at?!?

---Sergeant Kalluwallah Bongo

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