Thursday, March 12, 2009


When it comes to genocide, Jews just aren't very good at it. That's why there are so many more "Palestinians" than there were sixty or even forty years ago.
Especially inside Israel, and in the territories.

For real expertise on genocide, try the Gentile nations.


The Dutch (wiped out an entire island in the Indies for business purposes, exterminated natives in South Africa, started race wars in the new world), the English (much the same as the Dutch, plus very creative in the use of euphemisms to disguise their attrocities), the French (Indochina, anyone?), the Belgians (Congo - the gold-standard for savage slaughter of uncooperative natives), Russia (multiple examples), Turkey (Arm...., Arme...., Armeni....., best not say it, could get the Turks angry again), China (anyone remember the Dzungarian Tatars? No, how about Tibet?), Indonesia (Aceh and Timor L'Este, Dayak tribes, Moluccans, Papuans, etc.), Thailand (brutal exploitation of hill tribes along with rape and sexual slavery of their women), Burma (like the Thais, only much more so), Spain (all of Latin America - examples too horrifyingly numerous to detail), Portugal (like Spain, in a more diverse spectrum of geographies).

Oh, and Germany, of course. How could I forget?


Naturally, the Lebanese and Jordanian apartheid policies that still limit the freedoms of the descendants of Palestinians qualify as nearly genocidal - anything more calculated to destroy any sense of ethnic pride is hard to imagine, as well as encouraging the alleged Palestinians to go native in short order.
Economic discrimination against a despised caste is, however, extremely useful in depressing their ability to influence any political or social developments in their countries of birth - as India so abundantly still proves with her treatment of tribals, minorities, and untouchables, and Sri Lanka attempted to do with Tamils and others.
Malaysia and Indonesia, having learned from the Indian example, and from their former colonial masters (the English and the Dutch respectively), apply apartheid laws to their Chinese minorities, as well as extorting protection money ("voluntary contributions for good causes").


Should I also mention African genocides? Or is that just too depressing?
How about Egyptian poison gas used against the highlanders in Yemen when Egypt was involved in the North Yemeni Civil War in the nineteen-sixties?

Of course what the Indians and Pakistanis are doing in Kashmir should, properly speaking, also be called genocide - but polite people prefer not to think of it at all.
After all, Kashmir is beautiful, and the issue far too complex. Best simply dream of ancient Mughal gardens and a lake.


Anonymous said...

Oh but didn't the Germans also commit a genocide in Namibia?


Anonymous said...

Although not of that ethnic background myself, I seem to recall that it was the Herrero people, in Namibia around the turn of the last century or so.. The Germans simply exterminated them and then claimed to know nothing of it. A forgotten genocide.

Anonymous said...

why are you putting Palestinians in quotation marks? are you Jewish or "Jewish"?

The back of the hill said...

why are you putting Palestinians in quotation marks? are you Jewish or "Jewish"?

Because BEFORE the term meant an Arab, it applied to ALL residents of the mandate area. Since 1967 it has gained currency as a term of more limited meaning, specifically excluding any and all Jews - of whom there are many who were as indigenous as the Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, Turks, Albanians, Assyrians, and Gopts in that precise area.

Now, of course, Palestinian is a loaded political term which is often used to mean "poor helpless native kicked off his tribal land by the mean evil European Jews who must be exterminated so that us white folks can feel good about ourselves by helping a brown person". Often by the same people who cheapen the term 'holocaust' by denying it, or applying it haphazardly to events with "Palestinian" fatalities - while refusing to apply it to Polpot's excesses, the deaths of millions during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, the Japanese rape of Shanghai or Nanking, or the Sudan.

And, in point of fact, I am not a Jew or "Jewish". I am about as Gentile (or, if it pleases you, "Gentilish") as one can be.

So, are you anonymous? Or "Anonymish"?

The back of the hill said...

And did you actually read and understand the rest of the post, or did you stop once you found the quotation marks?

Of so, I am not surprised that so many people refuse to consider anything else but Palestinian deaths as genocide.

Those quotation marks probably qualify as a crime against humanity, don't they? And whatever else one says about the Sudanese, they don't use quotation marks.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I myself am nothing but quotation marks. I thrill by citation, reference, paraphrase, cutnpaste, and several forms of subconscious mirroring.

---Preston Flakipipes

GRANT!PATEL! said...

One must learn genocide from the masters.

That would be the Turks, for a splendid historical example of what to do with pesky Armenians. The Janjaweed in the Sudan, for how to interpret the Arab point of view towards uppity blacks. The Persians, for what the approach is to all religious minorities. The Arabs, for how to entirely erase all previous occupants of a desirable territory. And the Pakis, for how to stiffle indigenous religions during the Mughal empire, while enslaving pretty much everybody who doesn't look disgustingly inbred.

It's a Muslim talent.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

One might even say that it is the single greatest contribution of Islam to world civilization.

If it weren't for hasheesh.

---Grant Patel

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