Wednesday, March 11, 2009


There's an interesting post on ZioNation to which I would draw your attention.

Freeman versus "hardline Jews"
By Ami Isseroff.
March 11, 2009

"The supporters of Freeman never fought for him on the issues, but rather on the one irrelevant bogey man issue of "Israel Lobby." Whether or not Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, intended it, the struggle over the nomination of Freeman became an outpost in the battle in a war against Israel and supporters of Israel. It was intentionally billed as such by those who oppose Israel under the guise of "tough love." The issue is billed as support for settlements or "hard line" Israeli negotiating positions vis-à-vis the Palestinians, but that facade is transparent to anyone who wants to look. Some of the rhetoric has now degenerated into frank attacks on "Jews." "


"Freeman [cut] is a "realist," which means, in his interpretation, an appeaser of those who are perceived to be powerful and violent at the expense of the dissidents and powerless. His crusade against Israel, supported by all those ambassadors, is based on the common perception in the US diplomatic corps that has never been altered since before the Six Day War that Israel is a "non-viable client state" that exists at the pleasure of the United States and must do its bidding. "

Freeman himself states in his defense:
"There is a special irony in having been accused of improper regard for the opinions of foreign governments and societies by a group so clearly intent on enforcing adherence to the policies of a foreign government."

"I have never sought to be paid or accepted payment from any foreign government, including Saudi Arabia or China, for any service, nor have I ever spoken on behalf of a foreign government, its interests, or its policies. I have never lobbied any branch of our government for any cause, foreign or domestic"

Oh? How very ..... 'interesting'!

Yet he is well-known as a hack for the house of Saud, fulsome in his praise of his masters. And his plaudits of the Chinese Communist crackdown at Tiananmen are unabashedly supportive of the brutality of dictators.

All this would echo the pre-war admirers of Hitler and Mussolini, were it not that the authoritarians he praises are in fact feudalists and communists.

Instead, one must think of the left's love affair with the tyrannies of Stalin, Mao, and Polpot - which carry over today in their flirtation with the most repressive and reprehensible elements among the Muslims. In this they are no blessing to the West, and provide ill-service to rational people in the Muslim world.

I shall let Ami Isseroff have the last word here, as it his piece with which I started.

The battle is not over and it won't be. The anti-Israel lobby have already started their blood libel, (and) are casting Freeman as a latter day Simon of Trent. If you think I am exaggerating, read Robert Dreyfuss's rant in the Nation:

"---Joining in on the trashing of Freeman were the (let's face it) hard-line Jews of the Democratic Congress, including Senator Charles Schumer of New York, Rep. Steve Israel (yes, he is actually named "Israel") of New York, and of course, that former Democrat, Joe Lieberman -- all of whom crowded into the amen corner with AIPAC..."

At last the Jew word is out. "Hardline Jews" no less. And Dreyfuss and the Nation are not above juvenile wordplay with people's names, either. Don't let the "progressive" aura of The Nation or its pretensions to intellectuality fool you. Dreyfuss is a "hardline" right-wing anti-Semite who used to edit Executive Intelligence Review, described by Wikipedia as "the flagship journal of the Lyndon LaRouche movement." The demented jibe at Steve Israel's name speaks for itself. Dreyfuss's article is just one of many that mourn the innocent victim of the "hardline Jews."

Read the entire article here:

Stay up-to-date here:

Now, I shall be the first to admit that Charles Freeman was eminently suited to the position, especially given that the Saudis and their friends in the oil-industry desperately need a powerful friend in Washington since their protégés returned to Texas.

I just do not think that it is acceptable for the heart of our administration to be occupied by elements intent on subverting the normal functions of our government, nor especially by an individual so clearly intent on enforcing adherence to the policies of a foreign state. And for that reason, I welcome the withdrawal of mister Freeman from consideration for this or any other post.
He is by no means an innocent victim, nor are his defenders honest men.



If any reader now wishes to call me a hardline Jew too, please feel free to do so.

In point of fact, I am a liberal Gentile, as a close reading of my blog would tell you, though I do not expect you to believe this if you are a supporter of Charles Freeman or given to the paranoid conspiracy theories popular among the far left (in which, of course, you more than match the far right). And if that is indeed the case, your opinion ist mir really scheiß egal.

I like the term 'Hardline Jew'. It sounds like a badge of pride - what in Dutch we would call a 'Geuzennaam'.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Axiomatic that someone so vested in the Suadi weltanschauung would not be suitable for a job that requires a realistic scop-out of a troublesome area of the world.

Perhaps an expert in his own right, but not a neutral judge by any standard.

Good buggery riddance.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And gracious, everyone knows tha Parsee community hated him too. Damn mollycoddler of mad mullahs. There is naught, naught, absolutely buggery bollocky naught that can be favorably said about the Iranian government.

---Grant Patel

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