Monday, March 09, 2009


The UN's relief agency for Palestinian refugees does all it can to enable the continued misery of the people in its charge. Or so it often seems. This is the moral of a news item on the BBC website about the rebuilding of a refugee detention facility (refugee camp) in northern Lebanon destroyed by extremists and the army duking it out in 2007.

The funds available for rebuilding are only a tenth of what will be needed, due to Lebanon's Arab friends not having delivered the funds that they pledged.
This may be because improving the lot of "fellow Arabs" is not nearly as exciting as funding outrageous acts, and a refugee camp for a group of substantially settled second class citizens does not have quite the investment romance of bomb belts and random acts of violence.


"This is not life, this is not life. We need to change this country. We have no rights here, we have no rights. We need life. Where is the life? Here, no life."

There are more than 200,000 Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, living in 12 camps across the country.

Palestinians have been here for more than 60 years - since the creation of Israel - but they are still barred from at least 70 professions, have no access to state education or healthcare, and cannot move freely or buy land.

These conditions turn the Palestinian camps into a breeding ground for extremism, a time bomb which will inevitably explode according to a recent report by the think tank, the International Crisis Group.



Note: Regarding that assertion about "a time bomb which will inevitably explode", methinks that the International Crisis Group needs to use a broader spectrum of tenses.
Anything that happened in 1975 is PAST TENSE.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Blasted mooslims can't even stand their own people? And they expect us to tolerate them any better? Hah! And hoo!

Ain't gonna happen.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

We aren't Punjabis.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Nor are we devo. Just in case you were asking.

---Grampa Dong

Anonymous said...

Its another one of those wacky ironies. To our befuddled supposed, "supporters" of "Palestinian rights", its somehow not a breach of human rights to deny citizenship, freedom of movement, freedom of employment etc to someone that may very well be the third generation born in Lebanon IF that person's ancestor migrated in from pre-state Israel. The US certainly doesn't permanently deny refugees and their heirs from citizenship for all eternity. I don't believe Lebanon bars other refugees or migrants from citizenship, i.e. Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans either. Another bit of overlooked double think.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

Is bally sad.

My piles bleed for them.

I had to help them first, though. Scratch. Then sniff. Wheep. Wail. Tears, sweetie Pie, tears. So buggery sad.


---Gracie Poon

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