Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Anti-Israel demonstration in front of the consulate in San Francisco on Montgomery Street between Sacramento and California, at 4 PM, Monday March 16th.

As usual we were outnumbered. Less than thirty of us on the pro-Israel side, around three hundred on the anti-Israel side.
I may be severely overestimating our numbers and under-counting theirs.
In which case, let me apologize - I do not mean to misrepresent the facts. Sorry.

I also wish to apologize to the gentleman who asserted that he would kill me, f*&cking kill me - yes, mister, you are ugly and stupid, and probably have body-odour issues, but none of that is your fault! I shouldn't have called you a moron. The truth hurts, and sometimes it is best to diplomatically gloss over it.
That you screamed "I will f*&cking kill you" in my face was likely in lieu of more standard small talk, and I shouldn't have reacted as I did.
Your problems are not your responsibility. Maybe nature, maybe nurture, I shan't speculate. Sorry.


But I'm NOT sorry for calling Terry any of those things. He IS a moron, and he does smell a wee bit (well, he does!). He was being his own blisteringly irritating self last night - did you know I'm a Nazi child-killer? Until he pointed it out in several repetitive ways, I had been unaware of it.
He is a bore. Is there any medication for that?


Yesterday evening's anti-Israel gangbang was in honour of Oakland activist Tristan Anderson of the ISM (International Solidarity Movement), who caught a tear-gas canister with his face last Friday while participating in a rock-throwing demonstration in a closed military zone on the Israeli border.

Unlike the SFPD, who are trained to deal with rowdy and unbalanced individuals, the IDF is tasked strictly with security - and the border is, shall we say, under contention, as well as subject to frequent assault.
Showing International Solidarity with angry Arabs by rioting in that area is not entirely safe, nor advisable.

[Quite different than Rotterdam, London, Oslo, Stockholm, or even Berkeley, where showing solidarity with angry Arabs by acts of violence and vandalism is politically sanctioned and socially approved.]

I shall not fault Mr. Anderson for sincerity. He and his girlfriend, like so many Oaklanders and Berkeleyites, may indeed sincerely believe the Jewish State to be the incarnation of all evil as prophesied by the book of revelations (or in Das Kapital), and sincerely wish Jews to be expelled from the Middle-East in a great and glorious uprising of the proletariat, with just oodles of blood and dancing and mass-action - maybe a variation on these themes which is less crimson, or a Peace-Love-Green-Tofu version of it that denies that there are ANY violent tendencies on the side which they support - but their sincerity, despite all that, need not be questioned. They probably thought that they were doing the right thing.

[Like many of the good people of the Bay Area, when they're at home they no doubt spend much of their money on feeding and clothing the homeless, and comforting the poor.]

Tristan (Cricket) Anderson is currently in the intensive care unite of Tel Hashomer Hospital near Tel Aviv. His girl-friend of less than a year, Gabrielle Silverman, is by his side, and his family have flown to Israel to be there for him.

[Gabrielle Silverman is in Israel on a Birthright-Israel trip - not a few activists make happy use of this opportunity.]


Unlike most of the anti-Israel celebrations in the Bay Area, this time there was a more interesting and diverse bunch on the other side. Not just the usual hate-filled psychotics, but a wide spectrum of people, including some sincerely (and, arguably, misinformed, maleducated, misguided) peace-at-all-cost-niks.
A number of members of JVP and BAWIB were also sincerely present, showing solidarity with the Palestinian cause. And as there were no chants of 'death to the Jews', it was entirely within their comfort zone.
Often such people are the passive enablers of the rabid element - and I note that Kate Bender Raphael was on the news last night presuming to speak for all of them.

There were also about fifty anarchists in the crowd. Their fury was not so much against Israel and the Jews, as against all authority figures, building security, police, principals, and truant officers. Once the herd thinned out a bit, they intended to smash some things, and overturn some other things, while yelling juvenile taunts at adults wearing uniforms.

After an hour and a half of sincere rhetoric, the poetry of outrage, and revolutionary rap, the crowd decided to go to Market Street to stop traffic and bang on buckets. So they headed down Montgomery, their motley presenting a colourful and utterly San Francisco spectacle. That's when the gentleman I mentioned previously offered to cause my demise. He interrupted his participation in the 'march' to make sure I got the message.

Thank you. Your sincerity is noted.


I passed a burning trashcan on the way back to the office. An hour later when I headed into Chinatown, there were still many police cars parked near consulate - these were awaiting the fracas that ensued when the other side returned. According to the news there were five arrests, one of which was for assaulting a police officer. At one point, the police needed to act quite forcefully to prevent vandalism and violence.

The other side, of course, is screaming about Police Brutality and the Jack-Booted Gestapo of the Democratic Party Capitalists.
Sometimes their rhetoric gives me an uncontrollable fit of the giggles.


GRANT!PATEL! said...

So the usual gang of Palestinians and terrorist supporting Berkeley crack-heads were somehwat in the minority, eh?

Jolly good - we do not need those assholes constantly coming over here to trash the city. That's what People's Park is for.

---Grant Patel

GRANT!PATEL! said...

Never you mind dear if he threatens to poison you you just poison him right back.

---Mortifacea Adamsapples

GRANT!PATEL! said...

And bugger the Muslims. Bugger them good. And the camels they rode in on.
Badbuwallha unteh.

---Paglanter Devanaam

Anonymous said...

Does anyone appreciate the irony of the Peaceniks screaming for the death of Jews in San Francisco becase one of their own got injured in Israel? Its of course, less ironic,if one figuresin that he was protesting a security fence that saves Jerwish lives from Palestinian homicide bombers.At least the part where they all hope to put Jewish lives at risk is consistent, even if their "Peace" message is flawed. As the old hippies used to say,"Fighting for peace is like f--king for virginity."


Anonymous said...

Interesting article here:

EU-wide rise in anti-Semitism described as 'understandable'
British film director Ken Loach says that a rise in anti-Semitism in Europe since the Gaza crisis is "not surprising and understandable".

He was responding to a report earlier this week by the Vienna-based agency for fundamental rights (FRA) which said cases of anti-Semitism had risen across Europe since last December.

The agency, which collected information from 19 EU members, said rises in anti-Semitism, ranging from vandalism to physical attacks, were a serious concern.

"There does seem to be a relationship between the rise of anti-Semitism in the EU and the situation in the Middle East," said Ioannis Dimitrakopoulos, one of the paper's authors.

But, speaking in Brussels on Wednesday, Loach said, "If there has been a rise I am not surprised. In fact, it is perfectly understandable because Israel feeds feelings of anti-Semitism."

Loach, famous for films like Kes, Cathy Come Home and Riff Raff, stressed that "no-one can condone violence".

But the director, who has spoken out against Israel in the past, branded the report as a "red herring" designed to "distract attention" from Israel's recent military actions.

Loach was speaking before the launch of the 'Russell tribunal on Palestine' which aims to highlight what he described "Israel's war crimes".

Italian GUE MEP Luisa Morgantini, who recently visited Gaza, was also speaking at the event.

She said the tribunal's aim was to collect evidence on recent developments in the region for presentation at a hearing later this year.

"It will not be legally binding but the aim is for it to operate in the same way as a court of law," she said. "The results will then be made public."

"If it is proved that Israel committed war crimes then it should be held accountable."

An Israeli speaker, Nurit Peled, who won parliament's Sakharov Prize in 2001, said, "As far as I am concerned Israel violated international law in its recent actions in Gaza."

Another warped intellectual. He should stick to making his pretentious piece-of-shit movies and shut up about nearly everything else.

Anonymous said...

Terry. This the same crazy Terry from the NABKA rally last year? The guy with the bad hair who can't STFU no matter what you say to him?

-- Moshe De Luca

The back of the hill said...

Terry. This the same crazy Terry from the NAKBA rally last year? The guy with the bad hair who can't STFU no matter what you say to him?

None other. The one and only. The one who doesn't seem to understand that his rhetoric makes him seem loopy.

What am I saying?!? He IS loopy.

Yesterday evening he said that we had better be afraid for when Tristan woke up and started talking again. I told him that clearly the wrong person had been hit in the ponim with that canister, as the world would be better off if it had been him - we sincerely wished that he would just STFU and get help.

As you may have gathered, it was a very sincere event.

Anonymous said...

Terry O'Brian, the dysfunctional math tutor and I go way back.

During one of his rants yesterday, another one of the great unwashed rolled his eyes and said to me "He's on my side, and even I can't listen to him"

GRANT!PATEL! said...

What that means is that his discourse is 'fascinating, just fascinating', and should be on the internet. Youtube, for instance.

Let the blistering wart be the discrediting face of his own side. They deserve such a spokesman.

---Grant Patel


So a jolly good time was had by all, I take it? Including retards with lighters?

Were there anymore trashcans set on fire, or did they just dare to do only one?

Unknown said...

Perhaps exposure to the healing blue rays of a Dr.Snuggles cartoon might be good for him.

GRANT!PATEL! said...

So, the evil Zionists did not appreciate mister Anderson's parents holding a press-conference for the Arab news services in Jerusalem, he? Too buggery bad. Morons.

And then that demand that Israel take full repsonsibility? Hah! It happened in teritory which is under Palestinian control, where the Palestinians were attacking Israeli border guards. Should've thought of that before, stupid lefy bhainchotes.
Your fellow-travelers are YOUR repsonsibility. We merely wish to dienable the bastards. What happens to them and their rotten brains AFTERWARDS is your look-out.

Try it on the Kashmir frontier why don't you, stupid middle-class American suburbanite gandoos?

---Grant Patel

Tristan Anderson said...

That maladjusted female cretin Gabrielle Silverman is back in the news, this time violently attacking someone and screaming the F word: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=R3RSWQyI90I.

In Oakland, this time. Where it's much safer to be a vicious dingbat.

Creepy Terry said...

She's really learned to let it all go in the past four years.

Maybe therapy would help?

It did for me.

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