Thursday, July 30, 2009


Today is Tisha B'av. Which means that there are five afflictions or prohibitions.
The Chameshes inuyim (five don't do its) are: no eating, no drinking, no rubbing yourself with unguent or perfumes, no bathing, and no connubulating.

Additionally, no Torah study, and no smoking.
[You are, however, allowed to read the thoroughly miserable parts of Tanach. Including Lamentations.]

Well, that doesn't give me a whole heck of a lot to work with today. Given that those are in fact the five (seven) things that I normally obsess about. But, seeing as most of my readers are frumme Yidden, no. Even though they probably won't cruise in to this blog until after the day is over. Because of my usual subjects. Which, as we know, are inappropriate for this day.

So. A period of mourning.

There's almost nothing I can write about today. Out of respect for my readers. Zippy Ben Didlim, in fact. Zero.

No food. No booze. No fragrant oils. No ablutions. No naughtiness.

No hot shiksas covered in bacon grease.
Size A. Fifteen years old. And full of life.
[Maybe I'll write about them tomorrow. Or sometime soon.]


For more about Tisha b'Av, visit this post:
It's by the Bray of Fundie (aka Chaim Grossferstant, etcetera), who has started his own blog.
He compares Tisha b'Av to Yom Kippur. It's interesting. Go learn.


And, given that you are supposed to HEAR the lamentation (Eicha), visit Lipman at this post:

See you all here again tomorrow.



Until chatzos, tisha b'av is a day of aveilus, whereas after chatzos it is a taanis. In other words, the halachos of aveilus and taanis both operate. But note, however, that while tisha b'av and personal aveilus are comparable, they are not equivalent.

One IS allowed to study certain sections of Tanach on tisha b'av, contrary to what normally holds for an avel. But in silence. No vocal expression of Torah study, in like manner no visual expression of glory (tefillin).


Anonymous said...

We studied Job, and alot of Kabbalah. It was a very interestig and rather intellectually satisifying Tish'b'Av. One day, consider joining us at my shteibele.


The back of the hill said...

One of my regular Taiwanese spammers tried to post something here, under the rubrique of 'chocolate'.
The links, alas, did not go to chocolate, which is why I did not let that comment through (I object to false advertising). Though one of them does go to a company that makes, of all things, cheesecake (乳酪蛋糕).

TEL:04-22520333 / FAX:04-22517563 / 地址:台中市南屯區河南路4段348號(惠文國小旁) / 營業時間 11:00~21:00

The address (地址) translates as no. 348, Honan Road Section Four, South Station District, Taichong city, in Taiwan. The word I've translated as 'station' (屯) may actually also mean a military or police post - I'm not entirely sure in what context the Taiwanese use it.

This is the general link:

And this link shows the product in a fancy presentation box:
Along with a picture of the baker (Stanley), who developed it in 2006.

The product is brevitously appelled 'original taste cheese cake' (原味乳酪蛋糕). It is made with fresh dairy, eggs, sugar, and other fine ingredients. I believe it comes in various flavours - tea, strawberry, mango, and 'absolute chocolate'.

I must say it looks yummy. I shall have to look for it in Chinatown. I hope that it is exported to the USA and available here.

The back of the hill said...

Oh, and I will be using this as material for a post.

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