Friday, July 24, 2009


In a surprisingly inane move, the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival made room in their hearts for an anti-Semitic propaganda flick. There will be a screening tomorrow of the movie "Rachel", about ISM stooge and anti-Israel activist Rachel Corrie, who died in a much ballyhooed protest while reportedly guarding a weapons-smuggling tunnel in Gaza.

Adding insult to injury, Rachel Corrie's loathsome female parent Cindy Corrie will speak after the movie to the usual audience of self-satisfied middle-class Ghandi-pants.

[Cindy Corrie has energetically embarked on a successful career spreading venom since the death of her daughter - one wonders what she did before. Her prior life may have been empty, and singularly unfulfilling.]

FYI, the charge that the ISM and other internationals stage incidents for propaganda purposes has pretty much been established as fact. This pattern is in direct contravention of the safety concerns of Palestinian activists in Gaza and the West Bank, quite a few of whom would prefer that foreign volunteers not so recklessly endanger themselves.
The ISM, however, is profoundly appreciative of convenient deaths.


The IDF called Rachel Corrie's demise a regrettable accident.

I have little doubt that it was an accident, but all things considered I cannot regard it as regrettable.

Lest you now hasten to call me a heartless Zionist, that opinion is mirrored by other people.

Let me quote:

"Her death will bring more attention than the other 2,000 martyrs"

[Heartless Hamas Activist in Gaza, quoted here: ]


Regarding Cindy Corrie's loathsomeness, I know of this first hand. I have met her.
She was at the Sabeel event in Berkeley at Saint John's Presbyterian Church in August 2007. She was disgusting.

[See this post:]


But it isn't the movie to which I object. It is the decision, by Peter Stein et al, to show the damned thing. And their collusion with the JVP and the American Society of Friends, that being the Quakers. Both of which are groups that represent the most virulent strains of middle-class hypocrisy, meddlesomeness, sanctimony, and holier-than-thou arrogance.

[I have no doubt that many of them are undoubtedly heartfelt and sincere in their hypocrisy, meddlesomeness, sanctimony, and arrogance. Stalin's thugs also had sincerity.]

Do Peter Stein and the SFJFF really presume that pandering to the haters serves any laudable purpose? Are they under the mis-apprehension that the union of misguided 'not-Jew-wannabees' and Protestant religious bigots is, in some remarkable way, a demographic to whom the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival absolutely needs to cater?

Let them still those concerns. Having met more than my fair share of the people on the other side - including members of Women in Black, JVP, Jew-hating Presbyterians, Methodists, and Quakers, self-hating ex-Jews, Unitarians, and second-generation Arab-Americans turned fashionably radical, along with all their opportunistic fellow-travelers - I can assure the SFJFF that NO useful purpose will be served by either showing this film, or allowing that odious mother creature to speak.

There will be no rapprochement. No minds will meet.
Reciprocity in any way should not be expected.

Cindy Corrie and her clique want to see us destroyed, the pro-Hamas activists require the end of Israel. The ISM aids and abets those who would engineer both of those goals. Rachel Corrie's activism served no 'greater good', but given the pathologies of the side she chose, her demise may very well have been the most fortuitous outcome.
It is time to let her rest in peace.

A pity that Peter Stein disagrees.



Here's a lovely picture of other ISM activists posing with tools of peace:

It's from a post on this blog:

Trust me, reading that blog is much much better than attending the festival. Please remember that this time next year. And also remember to thank Peter Stein and his/her pals for making it so.


Anonymous said...

Last year, I heard a lot of the festival was held at Congregation Sha'ar Zahav. They, or a lot of their members, had to have been involved in the screening of the Rachel Corrie Film. From my own experience there, that place is full of wimpy self-hating Jews who are far more concerned with looking policically correct than they are about the well-being of the Jewish people or the Jewish State. They are just as smug and as haughty as JVP and BFUU.

Sha'ar Zahav must have been involved.

Shtuey said...

I think the Jewish community should reach out to Cindy by providing her and her audiences with some yummy delicious Rachel Corrie Memorial Latkes.

Anonymous said...

How about some blintzes, without the filling? Maybe we could propose to IHOP to create a Rachel Corrie special!

Anonymous said...

Now, now , children. Don't mock Rachel because she's dead. Mock her because she's stupid. Mock her for picking the wrong friends who valued her more dead and alive.
I went to the film. The read Rachels own words- she writes like a ten year old and shows almost know critical thinking ability. Then her mother got on stage and I realized it was probably genetic.

Jack Steiner said...

Stalin's thugs also had sincerity.

Unfortunately some people can't understand the sarcasm in that line. Hatred clothed as a documentary/celebration of a pawn of terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant and sensitive commentary by the only speaker at the event to provide context. And the audience of haters did not have the self control to listen quietly for 5 minutes
Well, Peter Stein- you thought these people were capable of respect and dialog WHY?

The back of the hill said...

Now, now , children. Don't mock Rachel because she's dead. Mock her because she's stupid.

I'm not mocking her. Neither because she's dead, nor because she's stupid. I'm simply stating the facts. She was a useful idiot when alive, and dead she is still a useful idiot. Her loathsome maternal thing is no less usefully idiotic. But far be it from me to mock useful idiocy. I prefer to merely step around them, lest I get some on my shoes.

Peter Stein, on the other hand, is proving himself a waste of time. A more dunderheaded move than screening that film, and inviting the moral equivalent of Medea to speak, can scarce be imagined. Unless his purpose was to create a magnet for morons. Certainly tonnes of that element showed up to cheer the propaganda and make obeisance to Cindy. Did they come? Indeed they came. Pheromones aplenty.

A more odious assembly of bong-brains would be difficult to gather.

Anonymous said...

"Despite festival director Peter Stein’s plea not to interrupt or disrespect any element of the screening, including speakers before or after, many audience members hissed, booed and shouted at those whose opinions clashed with their own.

The booed opinions nearly always were supportive of Israel.

---from JTA (reporter Stacey Pavlevsky)

Anonymous said...

Cite: "The five ISM activists on site when Corrie died shared their memories of the day.

How likely is it that they spoke the truth, given that ISM conducts seminars in propaganda, slant, and shading facts towards agenda?

Anonymous said...

No mockery in the post, ATBOTH, but rather in the comments- re: reference to latkes and blintzes...

Cosidering the claim that a 65 ton D-9 bulldozer ran over her, the photos of her at the movie
showed her body remarkably intact. (Yes, her so called friend obviously stood there taking photos as opposed to running for help)
Testimony from doctors in the movie also implied the death was by suffocation- not from being, er, flattened.

The back of the hill said...

Yes, her so called friend obviously stood there taking photos as opposed to running for help

Which rather begs the question: Was it planned?
Another question that could be asked is: Did they shove her?
And a third question then becomes: Was she drugged?

I will, nevertheless, prefer to assume that it was a fortuitous accident. They may have manipulated the subsequent telling of the event, but I doubt they actually planned it in the way it transpired.

I also strongly doubt that she had any friends there at the time. Someone who blithely films cannot be considered a friend.
And it is extremely likely that she did not know them or their motives as well as she thought she did.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Corrie was a bleeding heart moron who was championing the cause of Palestinian terrorists and got in the way of an Isareli bulldozer as the operator was perfoming his lawful job of dozing down the house of a know terrorist, and this idiot bitch sat down in front of it and got her stupid ass run over. I would have done the same thing, if I were the dozer operator! Those assholes were probably bugging the shit out of him, and when Rachel the Stupid sat down in front of his 40 ton machine, as if to say "I DARE you to run me over", he did, and flattened her like a pancake! What an asshole!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. A remarkably stupid cunt.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Corrie is dead now she won't get to live her dream (as she outlined in her diaries) of living as an old woman nudist.

Thank God.

Cindy Pantz said...

Update as of March 16, 2013:

The bitch still dead.

Thank you, Jesus.

Flatty patty said...

Further update, as of June 8, 2013:

Memorial latkes are best with ketchup.

Trust me on this.

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