Monday, July 06, 2009


Angry stone-throwing Muslims? Who'da thunk it?!?
Due to the troubles in Xinjiang (Chinese Turkistan, 新疆), there have been protests in .... the Hague. Of all places. Good grief.

Apparently there are enough Uighurs in the Netherlands to form a mob. A mob that threw stones at the police in front of the Chinese Embassy. One hundred and forty two rioters were arrested.

This per an article in the Algemeen Dagblad:

And in the Volkskrant:


A few things come to mind in relation to the riot. One is that Dutch police are 'very gentle', and have many layers of bureaucracy looking over their shoulders. One hundred and forty two arrests are rather a lot - so many apprehensions at a protest in the Netherlands is a highly unusual occurrence.

Another thing that crosses my mind is that Uighurs are not native to the Netherlands. These are immigrants claiming refugee status and benefitting from the very liberal programs that the Dutch have put in place to deal with refugees - stipends, housing, education.

Again, one more time, just to make it clear......

Perhaps these Eastern Turks should be a bit more thoughtful before they start throwing rocks?
The Dutch police (as previously mentioned, a very gentle bunch) are in no way responsible for whatever it is that the Han are doing to folks in Ürümchi.
It is also rather unlikely that there are any Dutchmen in Ürümchi.
Heck, most Dutch probably couldn't find Ürümchi on a map if you stuck a blob of chewing gum on the name Ürümchi.
The Dutch are entirely blameless in the matter of the civil unrest in Ürümchi.
The fair city of Ürümchi is hundreds of thousands of miles away from any part of the Netherlands.
Ürümchi is in NO way a Dutch 'aangelegenheid'.
[Wy hebben niks met Ürümchi te doen, echt!]

In most cultures, except perhaps that of the eastern Turks, it is considered extremely bad form to throw stones at your hosts. Rioting in a place where you are guests, pampered guests even, is also not cricket. Such very naughty public behaviour has rather soured the Han in several cities in China as regards Uighurs.
At a minimum one can say that the Han are not overly fond of unruly Turks. Much like the Dutch police are likely now also not exceptionally fond of the kin-folk of those same Turks.

142 arrests? What on earth were you guys thinking?

If 'sGravenhage were in Western China (for instance, in 新疆), you guys wouldn't have been arrested.
You would have been shot.
After which your families would have received bills for the expense of the bullets and burials.
That would be a heck of a lot more cost effective than subsidizing your existence, paying for your medical care and education, and processing all the paperwork that arresting you in front of the Chinese legation necessitated.

These are tough economic times. Unruly Turks are a luxury on which the Dutch might want to cut back.


Tzipporah said...

New food post at my place. Frenchified. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....Turks. In terms of throwing stuff at people, does the Armenian Holocaust come to mind?

Anonymous said...

calm down, you should feel lucky since they didnot throw bullets to your people.

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