Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am pleased to see that Dr. Mike's little talk to the audience of the Rachel Corrie flick did not go unnoticed. Nay, it even generated a critical review from one of the supporters of the ISM that is delightfully over the top.
The author, who goes by the nomdeguerre of 'M', does more to discredit his or her own side than any amount of shrill hysterics at a riot could manage.
And I love him (or her) for it.

Consider this lovely quote:
"What is the relation between my Jewish ancestors living peacefully in their Arab community, producing tradition and books such as the Talmud and the Mishna, and Dr. Harris’ hatred of everything that is not western and him? "

[SOURCE: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/07/27/18612711.php ]

Better indication that the writer lacks certain crucial abilities could scarce be imagined. Clearly he (or she) came 'mentally' prepared - prepared to put on blinkers and shut down critical processes.
While regurgitating trademarks.

It (sorry, still can't figure out the gender) concludes with a final limp synaptic pop:
"I was left with one last thought: could it be that Rachel Corrie in action and essence was more Jewish then Dr. Harris?"

No, Rachel Corrie was of the approximate Jewishness of Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin and Hank Nasrallah. But it's so interesting that you should pose that question - it perfectly demonstrates how narrow your spectrum of awareness actually is. Are you, in fact, sentient?

I'm afraid the alleged progressives in the Bay Area, if M is anything to go by, are hopelessly bourgeois, jejeune even, and quite incapable of anything more than trope and cant.
Other than new interpretations of the sound of scratched vinyl, there is precious little that can be expected of them.


Dr. Mike's report on speaking to the dull-of-mind can be found here:

Video of Dr. Mike speaking:



Anonymous said...

It seems that our poorly educated, semi-literate leftists have confabulated the brief "Golden Age of Spain", or "La Convencia", a couple of hundred years in which Jews, Christians and Moslems lived alright together under Islamic rule in Spain with the VERY mistaken notion that Jews were ALWAYS well treated by ALL Islamic nations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Jews were generally compeled to lie as second class "dhimmi", subservient to Islam, with special identifying garments (Moslems invented the yellow stars used by the Nazis) and paying an exorbitant tax, the "jizya" for the privilege. Of course there were many pogromss, forced conversions and ritualized humiliations as well. It seems that alot of the critics of Israel prefer to just criticisize Israel, facts be d-mned, than to actually read a book and know what the heck they are talking about.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, some dumbass connected with San Francisco State tried to sell me on that once while waiting in line at Walgreens.

I found out pretty quick that most of these leftist fanatics in the Bay Area are two-year-olds who may have gotten older, but never grew up. As such, they are toddlers masquerading as adults.

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