Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Sheikh Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, regarding 'resistance': "It is the Palestinian people's right to engage in resistance until the occupation ends. As long as the resistance is legitimate, everything related to it is also legitimate."

Then, pursuant thereto, in relation to suicide bombing: "It is legitimate, of course, as long as it plays a role in the resistance."

Speaking as a private individual, I would like to see this dog whupped.

An authoritative religious figure who supports terrorism and the killing of innocents has no place in the civilized world, and is a danger to everyone everywhere.
The attitude that suicide bombing (or any bombing that targets innocents) is justified is so utterly appalling and dangerous that those who enable and empower the perpetrators of such acts forfeit all right to protection.
By saying such things, this sheikh encourages such acts. By virtue of his position, his utterances are de facto instruction to murderers to persevere in their perverse enterprise, and he functions as an ideological leader for terrorists. Such people deserve whatever ill happens to them.

Given that Grand Mufti Hajji Amin El-Husseini yemach shemo (kinsman of Yassir Arafat yemach shemo) was an open supporter and ally of Adolf Hitler (yemach shemo) and a leader of terrorist gangs himself, and given that recently retired Grand Mufti Sheikh Ikrima Sabri actively strove to destroy any chance of peace, and also encouraged terrorism, it is clear that the position of grand mufti itself is due for reassessment.
There is no place in a rational world for such a melding of religious law, secular function, and political leadership. Nor should such a disturbing inheritance from the Ottoman period, kept in place by the British as a means of pacifying and controlling the Islamic element, be preserved.

There is no longer any purpose that is validly served by maintaining this position, there is no justification for appointing an Ottoman functionary since the fall of the Caliphate. A loose cannon with a murderous agenda needs to be terminated, the position expunged entirely.


Anonymous said...

LINK: http://atthebackofthehill.blogspot.com/2006/10/sheikh-muhammad-ahmad-hussein.html



Anonymous said...

Kill the bastard.

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