Thursday, October 26, 2006




Wrong A.N.S.W.E.R. Counter Rally
Saturday, October 28th
11:30 AM to 1 PM
UN Plaza, Market St. between 7th and 8th Streets in
downtown San Francisco (exact location within the
plaza to be determined)

Join us for the next "Wrong, A.N.S.W.E.R."
counter-protest, Saturday, October 28th in San

Once again, ANSWER will be using opposition to the war in Iraq to attempt to galvanize support for destruction of Israel. Once again, they will try to demonize Israel for defending herself and once again, they will try to link Israel to the Iraq conflict.
Additionally, they demand support for the "Palestinian Right to Return," unsubtle code for the demographic destruction of the world's only Jewish state by flooding it with descendants, no matter how remote, of those that left the area during the Arab instigated war in 1948.

Previous A.N.S.W.E.R. rallies have included calls to support Al-Queda affiliates, nuclear arms for Iran, and Palestinian terror groups. They have also included overt anti-Semitism. We expect this rally to be no different.

Once again, StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice For Israel will be there to stand for Israel and expose the hatred and lies of A.N.S.W.E.R.

Stand against hatred!
Stand against anti-Semitism!
Stand for Israel!

Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians. Signs in violation of our policies will be dealt with definitively.

Please contact us at if you are interested in being part of our security team.
We also need help with sign making, logistics, and rally monitors. If you would like to be involved with any of these tasks, please contact us at .

Demand an end to attacks against Israeli civilians!
Demand Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev, and Ehud Goldwasser be returned home safely!
Demand the Palestinian Authority put an end to terror attacks!
Demand the UN fully implement UNSC 1559 and 1701!
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!
Demand the Palestinian Authority and their local supporters choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!

StandWithUs/San Francisco Voice for Israel


Upcoming Events

Sunday, October 29th, 4PM -- Israel and the Palestinians - Realities Behind the Headlines with Jerusalem Post Reporter Khaled Abu-Toameh
APJCC Auditorium, Levy Family Campus
14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032

Please RSVP to 408-358-3033 or

Monday, December 4th 5:30PM – Counterprotest anti-Israel demonstration
1001 Broadway, Oakland (outside Oakland Marriott)


Do you want to become more involved with organizing our activities? Send a message to

If you are interested in participating in our campaign to counter anti-Israel speakers, please send an e-mail to

Join the discussion! Do you have ideas? Classes to announce? Events to announce or discuss? Join our discussion list by sending an e-mail to .

San Francisco Voice for Israel is a non-partisan coalition that takes no position on the war in Iraq, the settlements, or Israel's final borders. Our members span the political spectrum and are united only by our commitment to preserving the State of Israel as a Jewish State within secure borders.

Please send your tax deductible donation to
Stand With Us
P.O. Box 341069
Los Angeles, CA 90034-1069
Write SFV4I in the memo line.


NOTE: Keep in mind that the other side will seize ANY opportunity to make our side look bad. So any signs you make should be straightforward and have a clear point. This is especially important because we are trying to engage with the people on the sidelines (who may be trying to understand the issues), not pick a fight with the kefiyeh-wearing fascists who will be yelling their hatred for the entire world to hear - let them discredit themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Todah rabah, chaver.
Personally, I liked your signs- not just the artistry, but the design. I felt the door handle (that was a door handle, wasn't it?) was ingenius- quickly converting the signs from an artistic statement to a shield. Aesthetic as well as practical.

See you there. We still haven't decided where to stand in the plaza. Personally, I want to be as far away as possible from the "Nudists for peace" group. Shudder....ew....

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