Friday, October 13, 2006


Secretary Rice proved on Wednesday that formal-dinner small talk is a skill. One which, alas, she needs more practice to perfect.

Condoleeza Rice: "The Palestinian people deserve a better life, a life that is rooted in liberty, democracy, uncompromised by violence and terrorism, unburdened by corruption and misrule and forever free of the daily humiliation of occupation."

They need better leaders, who will actually strive towards certain wished-for results. Whether they 'deserve' them is a question. At present, they deserve the very leaders who have brought them violence, terrorism, corruption, and misrule, with the necessary concomitant of Israeli military action to hamper their more egregious attempts at bloodshed. In Gaza, in fact, they are entirely free from any occupation - having discarded rule by Tunisian exiles within minutes of the Israelis departing.

Condoleeza Rice: "I promise you my personal commitment to that goal."

Just as we (the US) committed ourselves to bring democracy in Iraq. Which is a splendid success, by the way. A shining beacon.

Condoleeza Rice: "I believe there could be no greater legacy for America than to help bring into being a Palestinian state for people who have suffered too long, have been humiliated too long."

Better in any case than the Marshall Plan in Europe - those Euries have proven themselves thoroughly ungrateful, and we're absolutely sure the Pals will be much more appreciative.

Condoleeza Rice: "I know that sometimes, a Palestinian state living side by side in peace with Israel must seem like a very distant dream but I know too... that there are so many things that once seemed impossible that after they happened they simply seemed inevitable."

Sweetheart, look eastwards across that valley thingy - there's a country there, called 'Jordan' (you may have heard of it), which is a Palestinian state living side by side with Israel, in peace. It's led by a very capable monarch (Malik Abdallah bin Hussein al Hashemi), who seems, most especially in comparison with many other Arab leaders, a remarkably stable and even-keeled person. He's got quite some yichus, too; a family tradition of leadership going back a few years (to something called the Hejira - look it up). We've been dealing with him for a while now - perhaps it is time the extra-Jordanian Palestinians looked to him for some guidance?

In short, what the Palestinians need is less pandering, less idiocy, and a certain measure of realism. Some common-sense would also be nice.
And they need to shut up a bit - the world does not drai around their tantrums.


mevaseretzion said...

Excellent. I encourage Ms Rice to live side by side in peace with the Arabs in Gaza. And don't defend yourself, Condi. You will only be perpetrating war-crime atrocities on the innocent hordes that attack you immediately.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

sigh. Too bad Kadima doesn't get it either. I can't really blame Condi, since Olmert believes the exact same thing, as does, Kadima, Labor, Meretz, etc.

And to tell you the truth - the Israeli Left DOES drai around the tantrums, and excuses them day after day.

Jack Steiner said...

One can only dream.

Jameel @ The Muqata said...

Here -- you'll this scoop:

At today's (Oct 17th) Knesset foreign defense comittee meeting, Israel's Defense Minister, Amir Peretz said the following:

"The period has ended in which we examine the shipping invoice of every rocket that hits Israel. From now on, we will attack all of them..."

What this means in plain English, is that the IDF had official orders not to shoot at Fatah terrorists who were shooting rockets at Israel...only Hamas terrorists.

You wanted "dray a kup" -- how's that for a prime example?

Cadeux said...


October 13, 2006.

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