Sunday, February 25, 2024


Yesterday evening, bus ride back to San Francisco from Marin. "When you are constipated", the old man begged to inform me, "you will find it harder to pee". This was certainly an odd conversational gambit. I sort of didn't want to hear more. "They designed it that way". They? Who is they? He continued "the medical profession, docters" Sensing a cocked eyebrow (purely mental, because I kept my face as expressionless as I was able), he ellucidated that since World War Two ended doctors had been heavily invested in laxative companies.

The worst thing you could do was see a doctor for your urinary tract issues.

Why, he himself had not been to see a doctor in years!

That's why he was going to San Francisco.

He needed, desperately, to pee.

Sometimes one wishes one could climb out of the window and just hang on to the vehicle, outside, where there is fresh air and no crazy Marinites.
Unable to resist, I asked "Emergency room?"

"No man, parade. Nothing makes you pee as good as marching bands and fireworks!"

Um, okay. Good luck with that then, sir.

"Happy New Year!

Because of him, all my dreams last night involved luxurious bathrooms with multiple doors and amazing tile-work, in various crowded festive restaurants.
Had to lock every door.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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