Monday, February 12, 2024


The more I think about the mob that destroyed a riderless Waymo down on Jackson Street in Chinatown this past Saturday night, the more I want to destroy parts of Oakland, The Mission District, and the suburbs. Berkeley too. Dammit, you stupid dingoes, why can't you set fire to crap in your own neighborhoods?

Berkeley and Oakland, by the way, are the epicentres of syphilis and gonorrhea in California. And there are reasons why there are so many goats there.
And swine. Lots of swine.

Dammit. Most important day of the year. And outsiders decided they had nothing better to do than commit vandalism in Chinatown. Why the blazes could they not have stayed in Oakland for that?!?

The shopkeepers in this city need guns.
Baseball bats and bear spray.
Hell, if they had done that in downtown Berkeley, they could have circulated pictures on the internet captioned "this is what national liberation looks like". And people in London, Glasgow, and Dublin would have marched in support.

The videos show a crowd of overwhelmingly Caucasoid, young, baseball caps on backwards thugs. Not local people. The dipshits proudly videotaped themselves. This is why we need more police, and more riot sticks and teargas.

The proper venues for stupid destructive behaviour are, once again, Berkeley, Oakland, Richmond, and The Mission District. Plus probably Mill Valley and San Raphael.
As well as the further reaches of the BART system and AC Transit.

Please stay home, you effing morons.

Bridge and tunnel thugs.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


The back of the hill said...

What really upsets me is that this happened in my safe zone. Within two blocks or less of the hospital and pharmacy upon which I rely, grocery stores I patronize, bakeries and chachantengs to which I like to go, and a branch of my bank. I'm already distrustful of young non-Chinese, now even more so. What Oakland-Berkeleyite shiznit are they going to pull? Do I need to start bashing in young white heads? Why is that teenage thug on his cell-phone? Is that nazi-jugend looking type going to set fire to things? And where are the cops when you need them?

America's youth: good for nothing goodfor nothings.

Anonymous said...

The Bridge and Tunnel people are coming for you! Goats and swine shall invade the chachantengs!

The back of the hill said...

Nah, unlikely. And the pigs are already there. Tasty pork dishes, and stirfries which in Sichuan might be vegetarian, but Cantos almost always consider them bland and a waste of time unless pork is added in some form.

Vegetarians and vegans should just eat around the meat.


And goat is very yeung hei. Good in this weather. You need the energy.

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