Wednesday, February 21, 2024


The events of the past year have, sadly, turned me into a more "obstreperous" person than before. What that means is that if you are a young Caucasian, a Brazilian, a Columbian, or an Arab, I will make presumptions about you which you may think are unfair. Tough.
If you are English, Irish, Scottish, or Swedish, double.

That discourtesy I also extend, in slightly lesser measure, to Oaklanders, Berkeleyites, Mexicans, and everyone from the shithole states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming).

Life is just too damned short for more nuance.
And I'm so over most people.
They're flawed.
So. If you are in a limited sub-set of humanity, I will happily deal with you. That might be Chinese, Jewish, Italian, French, or Dutch. Old-school liberal, no raving lefties, no rightwingers. Preferably no Christians. No Berniacs, no Trumpites.

If you are Indian or Pakistani calling regarding funeral expenses, Medicare parts A and B, an extended warranty on my vehicle, accidents I may have been involved in the past two years, or solar panels, I wish you ill and have suggestions regarding that samosa you are eating.
I hope it's still too hot, and has sharp corners, yes?
Saudis and Qataris need not apply.
No DeSantis supporters.

Aur vo unta uteo sawara huway, unhen bi chodo.

Think of me as a white middle-aged version of Samuel Jackson in Pulp Fiction.
Though slightly more "diplomatic", and not as well-dressed.

Now, would you like a hot beverage?

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

I share your sentiment. I am, however, a resident of one of the aforementioned East Bay cities. My haunts in Oakland are few now…a chachanteng on Webster, a couple breweries, one dive bar, and the ferry I occasionally take to San Francisco for the fun of it. I do miss SF much these days as it has more of the establishments I enjoy. Riding BART forces me to keep my wits about me as the crazies seem to be ever increasing on the subway. Still, it’s worth it to come into the City for food, coffee, and peace of mind.

The back of the hill said...

I sympathize. Oakland and Berkeley have become no-go zones for me. But I used to live in Berkeley, and for a year in Oakland. Plus there was a coffee shop there I liked.

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