Thursday, February 01, 2024


Rabbit rabbit. Which is the correct thing to say in the morning of the first day of the month. Which today is. And it's a very wet day, which may force me to stay indoors and avoid people. Something which I am not averse to doing even at the best of times. The problem is that I like smoking my pipes during the day, and my apartment mate has a dermatological issue that flares up during certain times of year, seasonal allergies and pollens, and my smoking indoors makes it worse.

Saying 'rabbit rabbit to begin the first day of the month is an Anglo custom. Good luck, or something.]

So I must step outside. Into the cold and wet where there are angry Karens and earthmoms who get triggered by tobacco use. Precisely like they're triggered by the existence of gluten.

This presents me with a logistical nightmare.
Dodge the crazy white women.

My apartment mate, by the way, is NOT a crazy white woman.
Perhaps a bit high strung, but that's Aspergers.
It's a condition that both of us are "blessed" with.

Consequently, crazy white women are a pain in the gand which both of us try to avoid. For that reason, neither of us have any desire to visit the South or the East Coast, where those are found in vast herds all across the landscape. And we avoid the suburbs, as well as The Mission District, except when we absolutely have no choice.

Because of work, I am in Marin County several days a week, but my job does not require contact with crazy white women. Crazy white men, yes, but they are unaware that I ignore them and their stupid opinions, because they don't listen very well, and sometimes their intestinal issues take up all of their "intellect".

The entire Midwest, by the way, is filled with lutefisk and constipated Lutherans who disapprove of everything. Plus inedible casseroles.
So ab initio inhospitable.

Rabbit rabbit.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

I must learn how to use words more effectively as you do when insult is intended. A few posts back an entry of mine was tagged and censored for an unhinged rant against a certain member of congress for being all warm and fuzzy with the hamassholes of the pit known as gaza.

The back of the hill said...

Ah yes, we must avoid offending the homicidally inclined and the psychopathic fringe, because their repulsive ideas are "equally valid". Especially under newspaper articles or on Facebook.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Sometimes their opinion is repellent. Or so damned stupid that it's a miracle they can figure out how to use an open door.

Some of the folks I meet at work are like that.
I have become a very forbearing man.
At this point, saintly.

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