Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Why blog? Because I'm tongue-tied. It's a rather Waspy thing. It is, far too often, easier to say what one feels by writing, than by conversation, and it is even better if it is semi-anonymous. Especially when one desires to say something either incisive or downright brutal.
Even then I seldom give vent to such tendencies, although I really enjoy making nasty comments about several people, for whom, were they in the flesh, I might have nothing but the warmest fellow feeling.

Like Vegans and Republicans, for instance.

Some of my best friends are Vegan.

Yeah, I suppose one could read a certain passive-aggressive tendency in the blogging process, as well as bloated self-obsession. That may indeed be there, but isn't penning essays far better than being the "charming" loudmouth at every party?

And even though I do not mind attention (understatement), when it happens among a group of other people I always wonder if there's a tear in my pants or drool down my shirt that everyone else sees but to which I am stupidly oblivious, even worse, a mental defect is plainly apparent to everyone but me.
Not an actual nose zit, but a karmic pimple of immense proportion, or my shadow casting daemon wings on the wall behind me.

Add to that the fact that I often realize that certain habits are not endearing when they become repetitive, such as softly singing The Internationale in German whenever a notoriously amoral Republican of my acquaintance enters the room, because I know it bugs the heck out of him. At that point, posting gibberish and recipes in a seldom visited corner of the internet becomes a very attractive option.

Doing so shows social polish.

For your reference:

[SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXKr4HSPHT8.]

Go ahead; belt it out. If any American rightwingers even know what it is, that will be a miracle. The only reason why my bozo acquaintance recognizes it now, is me.

{You could also sing it in Dutch ("De Internationale - Stem Des Volks") but quite honestly, English-speakers trying to pronounce the noble Netherlandish tongue are a torture no one can endure.]

Actually, I seldom avail myself of the freedom to make nasty comments about Republicans and Vegans, despite the fact that Veganism is one of the most pretentious and idiotic dickhead affectations anyone can have. Nothing says "first world" more than complaining about food.

Not that it tastes bad, but that it is ideologically incorrect and spiritually deficient, and that one is personally too holy and caring to touch it.

Hypothetical Yelp review: "We went to Rupert's Steakhouse because a friend recommended it, and they refused to serve us quinoa! Can you believe it! Such a horrible attitude! And when we asked if there was gluten in the complimentary dinner rolls, the server pretended not to know! Earthmaiden and I will NEVER go there again!"

The other nice thing about a blog is that people in very many different places might read it. It's nice to have an audience, even if some of them only come here for zebra recipes, the forlorn search for porn, or positive observations about Lithuania.

Semi-anonymous internet attention is ALWAYS better than encountering passive-aggressive Vegans in the flesh.
That, really, explains everything.

One my days off, such as today, I avoid Vegans.

Non-Vegans are far sweeter people.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Nate said...

I've nothing particularly helpful to add to your posts. I just wanted to say hello and say that I really enjoy reading your blog.
I enjoy your posts concerning pipe tobacco as I am a long-time fan of the gentle art.
I guess I am posting as I always feel rather badly when I see some well-written post with little to no comments following.
Write on for us, the silent majority!

The back of the hill said...

Hi Nate,

Thank you for your kind words. Glad you like reading, and at some point, pipe up and mention your tobacco.


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