Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Our politicians are not any worse than their supporters, and their behaviour says something about us. We are no better than the politicians that let the Flint water become toxic, we are no better than Chris Christie, we are no better than the hate-filled Christian scum elected to office in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas, and we are no better than Donald Trump.

"I would bring back waterboarding. And I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."

------Donald Trump

That is to say, as a whole we are no better.
Though some of us are, individually.

Two weeks ago a friend said that if the Republicans ran Trump, he would vote for the man. Now, before you go and call him an inbred monster whose sense of entitlement is precisely what's wrong with this country, I hasten to point out that he isn't a bad man; he's law-abiding, pays his taxes, has a great sense of humour, and is an extremely hard worker.

He just doesn't understand the social contract.

In that regard he's a typical American.

We've become rather rotten.

One of these days the social contract in this country will be so badly frayed that fires will be set, and the dis-enabled will burn this mother down.

I am not vested enough in the status quo to find that objectionable.

When the edifice finally goes up in flames, many of us will apathetically allow that to happen. Or we'll be fuelling the fire.

At present I would derive a great deal of satisfaction out of the destruction of much of the rest of the country, except for the fact that the sane and good among us would be expected to pay for their reconstruction.
But that hesitation is diminishing.

It might just not be worth it. And really, why should we?
If we have to, surely we can build a wall?

Minefields, barbed wire, machine gun nests, snipers .....

Molotov cocktails.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a pitiful minority of eligible voters who actually go to the polls. Even less contact their representatives between elections. That's not self governance as our founders intended. And if you really believe there is a great deal of difference between the majority of republicans and democrats, you're delusional.
We've been duped in this nation by our prosperity. We have mistaken freedom of choice for personal freedom. And as long as the political class can maintain name calling at the popular level, they continue to steam roll us.
And then low info voters, or those who don't, the political class have esured the old Roman policy of bread and circuses.

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