Wednesday, November 25, 2015


The anti-gay agenda has it's strongest and most vicious proponents among Texan Republicans, whose ideas about democracy, humanity, and the Bible are irrefutably Neanderthal. If the sweet baby Jayzis comes back, he'll swat Texas right off the map. Kinda like Sodom.

Because the entire place is irredeemable.

Screw Texas.

[How you screw Texas is up to you. I do it verbally, even though I think a broken Lone Star longneck bottle would be more appropriate. But use anything, even a chainsaw.
They can't become bigger a-holes than they already are.]


Texas warmly embraces Steven Hotze, while keeping their hands out of his crack. Because they know where it's been.

Steven Hotze is the Grand Dragon of the Conservative Republicans of Texas, and has been a domineering figure among ultra right wingers and fanatic Christians for years. Republican candidates need his endorsement in order to stand even half a chance of running a political race in Texas.

Is there anything more repulsive than a Texas Republican?

Well, possibly an alligator. Or a hagfish.

Or a child-molesting preacher.

Baptist blowhard.

Steven Hotze speechified a few months ago at a Republican swapmeet (the "Faith Family Freedom Tour") in Houston, saying "Drive them out of our city. I don’t want them in our city. Send them back to San Francisco."

No, he wasn't talking about the United States Military, which took over Texas during Operation Jade Helm and massacred all the freedom-loving Christian gun-owners of Texas last summer, nor was he referring to the Mormon and Baptist religious nuts who inhabit the hinterland with their multiple wives and free-range bastards.

He was talking about people who have the misfortune of living in a state where he is one of the resident harpies.

Other speakers at this trogloditic hate-fest were former House Speaker Tom DeLay, Republican National Committee member Robin "Slimy" Armstrong, Texas Eagle Forum Founder Ms. Cathie Adams, Houston Pastor Dave Welch, Link Letter publisher Terry Lowry, Texas Right to Life Director Elizabeth Graham, rabid talk show host Sam Malone, and infamous propaganda commissar Gary Polland.

With friends like that, Texas has a long way to go before it's civilized.

Drive them out of our city. I don’t want them in our city. Send them back to San Francisco.

San Francisco, of course, welcomes refugees, we always have. Even when we realize that some Southern Baptists and Methodists will infiltrate, disguised as desperate people fleeing oppression.

This Thanksgiving, be grateful that you don't live in Texas.

Texans have nothing.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


e-kvetcher said...

...but Texas wants you anyway

The back of the hill said...

The horror. The horror.

Anonymous said...

Just another reason to hate the fuckwit state:

Texas: where dinosaurs roam.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you thought it OK when the homo fascist mayor subpoenaed the local preacher's sermons, and emails? I'm sick and tired of you soft headed, limp wristed, left leaning fools shouting tolerance, when you're anything but.

Anonymous said...

Further more how is it science is embraced by the left EXCEPT in matters of homosexuality and abortion? No one runs to biology as shelter for homosexuality.

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