Monday, November 23, 2015


Woke up with Malayo-Polynesian verb forms going through my head, shortly followed by 'jocuste', both a Latin personal name as well as a vegetable eaten in salad.

After returning to my room with my cup of coffee, I discovered that the blue-faced sock-sheep and the little black kitty were fighting over my wallet. Snidely (the sheep) was indignantly accusing Gigi (the feline) of theft. But brutal highway robbery seems a better term, as she had possession of the heavy duty machine gun. Passing by the scene, I joiked my wallet out of the fray, and both accused me of strong-arm tactics, quite unfair!
Their wallet! They had "found" it!

From this we shper three things: dreams on the edge of wake re-interpret half-noted data in the most convenient form, which may not relate to anything practical. Small stuffed animals often have only the faintest concept of truth, justice, and the American way. And my apartment mate is in a far better mood this morning than last night.

It's going to be a good week.

Probably no salad, though.

Not hep on salad.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Cocaine Bob said...

Isn't it interesting that if you google "Liza", the top hits are about Liza Minnelli; but if you google "Minnelli", the top hit is about Vincente Minnelli (her late father), and she is only the second hit?

Cocaine Bob said...

Isn't that interesting?

The back of the hill said...

Sort of interesting. Vincente Minnelli is also famous, though.

This, too, is interesting: Liza Minnelli -- Arrested Development.

Cocaine Bob said...

Did you randomly happen to read that article yesterday, or did you look at it because of my comment?

Also -- didn't you post about Vincente relatively recently? Except that it was partly in Chinese?

The back of the hill said...

Because of your comment.

I've always like Arrested Development.

And yes, I mentioned the Minnellis recently. In a rather strangely gibberant post: TASK.

As well as a response to a different reader, Jackie: Red Guard Bucket.

Cocaine Bob said...

Liza is a rabbi?? Really?

The back of the hill said...


Cocaine Bob said...

Ah, it was a joke. Didn't sound likely, but hey, theoretically possible -- after all, Jackie Mason is.

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