Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I note that in the few hours since a deal was announced to reopen the government and raise the debt limit, the internet has been foaming.
On the far-right websites, and on social media, all the praedictable bile is being vented in tank loads, while over in the Netherlands the usual chorus of hatefilled ignorant anti-American pig-arses is sneering, yelling, and calling people names.

Yes, there is good reason for ire.

"Het schuim der aarde, dat Amerikaanse volk"

Never-the-less, reasonable discussion would consider that calling the American people the syphilitic inbred outcasts of Europe and damning us all as criminal vulgarians sans pareil et sans exception is a bit much.
There are reasons I have not visited the Netherlands in several years.
One of them is the inevitability of encountering an opinionated and poorly educated example of Dutchness with an unvarnished and unwarranted opinion concerning matters about which he knows utterly nothing.
Such as the United States.

Not all of them are like that. The overwhelming majority aren't.
But one out of ten or twenty is een door en door verrot eigenwijs stuk poldervuil wiens grote bek vrijwel alles binnen zijn sociale kring verpest and verdoemd. Iemand waar werkelijk niets mee to discussiëren valt.
Of het is een rechtse etter (PVV), of een linkse vod (SP).
Een typisch Nederlandsche kankeraar.
Grof schorem.

It's not the majority that makes one avoid certain groups.
But the unpleasant exceptions can ruin the entire day.
As well as affect one's opinion of their caste & kin.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

THEY are accusing US of being inbred? That's too funny. Right? How many Caucasian Americans (never mind those of color) are from a single European provenance? Sure, in Boston, there are a few Americans of purely Irish descent. But they are in the minority. Most of the rest are mixed with some other country in Europe.

If anyone's inbred, it's the white Europeans.

This is too funny.


Kim G
Boston, MA
Where we happen to be of pure Danish descent.

The back of the hill said...

Well, I myself am Dutch-American.

Meaning that ancestors came over in 1630, and over the next several generations married only acceptable fellow-Calvinists.

That being Amerindians, Scotch-English, Scotch-Irish, and Czechoslovak. Still mostly "Dutch-American". And yes, somewhat inbred. But unlike my pure Dutch classmates in Valkenswaard, I wasn't related to more than three other people in town, let alone half the school, didn't have the same facial structure as everyone else, and wasn't short, stunted, and dull-looking.

See, that leavening with Amerindian, Scothc-this-and-that, and Czechoslovak, made all the diffence.

There's also a touch of just plain English in the family tree. Credit that for Church of England.

So yes, inbred to a certain extent. But far less so than most European villagers or even urbanites.

Proves your point.

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