Sunday, October 20, 2013


A very dear friend, seeing me for the first time inundate my fried potatoes with mayonnaise, succinctly opined "that's frikkin disgusting, dude".  This from a woman who scarfs down deep-fried tofu like there's no tomorrow. Honestly, can anyone even eat white folks tofu? It's a cross between dessicated sponge and a block of mahogany, and tastes like space alien.

American hippie vegans have NO business criticizing the Dutch for their culinary preferences. It ain't your damn horse we're eating, and it tastes fine. Horse is all lean meat, and bless it, it does NOT taste like chicken.
And neither do Thumper and Bambi.
They're delicious! Good solid food.
Not like that wheatgerm crap.

Perhaps vegan food would taste better with a heaping dollop of mayonnaise on top. Yeah, that might make it taste like chicken.

The Dutch like mayonnaise, fried stuff, and protein. Given the climate, and the nearby unpleasant presence of so many Germans, Frenchmen, and English, this is natural. A balanced diet makes it possible for you to fight off infections.

And, speaking of which, the best site for an overview of stuff that Dutch people like is appropriately entitled Stuff Dutch People Like.

It's not just skating. Skating. Skating. Skating. Traversing a frozen bog on little metal blades for hours upon hours. Skating. Skating. Skating.
Freezing toes. Skating. Skating Skating.


Gin. Waffles. English. Wetness. Tulips. Lumpy blended goo. Pants. Royalty. Midwives. Locutions. Yumminess. Mayonnaise. Stairs. Bicycles. Boo! Unfriendliness. Not working. Bad haircuts. Freezing tap water. Boogers. Skating. Mush. 2011. Clarity. Germans. Sinterklaas. Felicitation. Kissing. Tallness. Salmiak. Unmarriedness. Ugly pants. Gezelligheid.  Dat kan niet en dat mag niet. Appointments. Diseases. Camping. Herring. Jape. Minds. Windmills. Singing. Queen. Cake. Lactation. Blackface. Milk. Orange. Licorice. Inoffensiveness. Décor. Embarrassment. Goop. Weather.

Well, that leaves out coffee, cigars, soccer, Belgians, being wrong, and a host of other things.

Personally, I am extremely fond of Indonesian food, long rainy twilights, ditches, streams, creeks, rivers, trickles, rivulets, canals, sloughs, morasses, marshes, bogs, moors, and estuarine swamps.
But that may just be me.

The last entry on that blog dates from December 2012.
I sincerely hope that the author resumes her work.
Most of those things I had sort of forgotten.
It was great fun revisiting them.

Fried tofu with mayonnaise.
Now there's a thought.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Arno said...

Remember most Dutch don't know that they are eating Indonesian food. They only know it as Chinese food. Chinese restaurants in Holland (according to a friend who visited China often) don't serve Chinese food, but Indonesian! The food of the Dutch Chinese kitchen is tailored to our taste. We know sate, but when you go to a Chinese restaurant in let's say Spain, they don't know what that is.
By the way, to my horror I saw that the Japanese kitchen (read: sushi) is also going the Dutch way. Last week I had some sushi with mayonaise on it.. Zaanse mayonaise to be precise..

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