Wednesday, October 09, 2013


Not only are Republicans incorrigible racists, but they are also sexists.
Did you know that?

For a number of years now the Republicans have been making thinly veiled remarks about black people that betray their essentially unreconstructed bigot backgrounds -- just look at any of the usual internet sites for hundreds, thousands upon thousands, of comments, that in addition to slope-browed spelling errors and utterly bone-headed fact-checking mistakes, also say all kinds of remarkable things about our current president, black people in general, Latinos, Asian Americans, homosexuals, and handicapped people -- but they also have a misogynist streak about as wide as the Mississippi.

[Editorial input: No no no, that's just wrong! Republicans LOVE black people, Asian Americans, homosexuals, handicapped people, and women! The rank and file as well as the upper echelons make every effort to be inclusionary, as is clear from important social policies that they support.]

Honestly, they don't like women.

[Editorial input: That's an unfounded statement. Many Republicans have married women. Working for them.]

They feel threatened by capable women. That may explain why they love Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Jennifer Carroll.

[Editorial input: All three of those women are extremely capable, that's why they rose so high in the party, and they're married.]

But they don't like Hillary.

[True that.]

------Button available at the Republican convention in Anaheim.

Source: Offensive anti-Hillary GOP buttons - SF Chronicle.

Outreach at the convention towards “Women on the Right”, “Asian Pacific American Elected Officials”, and “Latino Elected Officials” apparently does not contradict the well-known Republican National Obsession™ with vacuous huge-titted right wing zotsbrains.

[Editorial input: It doesn't. Those are all factual observations about Ms. Clinton. Are you going to deny the facts? How Democrat of you.]

They can tolerate "diversity" that chirps prettily.

They should try Texas; it's brain-dead country.

They'll get big hair and genuine idiocy also.

[Editorial input: Texas is the salt of the earth. There are no idiots there. And it's un-Christian and narrow-minded to be so negative about hair-style choices. This is a free country]

Although, if there's anywhere in California that qualifies as a rightwing paradise, Anaheim certainly does.

BTW: I enjoy talking smack about republicans. And Texans. And tea-baggers. And inbred trailerpark Tornado alley Southerners, mid-Westerners, fundamentalist Christians, Baptists, Idolaters and Romans, Nascar fans, Arabs, Wasps, Irish Americans, beauty queens, Bush, obnoxiously PC Berkeleyites, all Berkeleyites, hipppies, Rednecks, punk musians, Coors drinkers, Starbucks, suburbanites, wiccans, tattooed people, smokers of Acid cigars, Frenchmen, Argentinians, Brazilians, Serbians, non-Dutch speakers, cat lovers, peace activists, Tom Ammiano, City Lights Bookstore and their grating feel-good armchair revolutionary pretendeurism, vegans, moral crusaders, the anti-tobacco movement.......
And Anaheim.


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a bit of a cock-up on the copy-editing front said...


The back of the hill said...

a bit of a cock-up on the copy-editing front said...


I plead a slip of the old Freud on that one.

The slope-browed spelling error has now been corrected.

Fact checking.

Anonymous said...

Below the aforementioned pins about hillary, there is a row of them in that picture with the line "I still hate commies... even after they changed their name to liberals". Do they really think this is true, or are they just being inflammatory?

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