Thursday, September 26, 2024


A friend asked last week about a good place to eat in Chinatown. Well jeez, I wouldn't know anything about that. As far as I'm concerned there aren't any. Primarily because I doubt that most people would like what I like. Where, truth be told, I really don't want to see outsiders ordering general Tzo's chicken and Sichuan chow mein, only to be told later "yeah, I tried that place, no good, sumpin' wrong with your tastes boy".

I like dumplings, congee, and stuff over rice that might kill me.
Fatty pork with mui choi. Steamed salt fish pork patty.
Bitter melon with black bean sauce fish.
And chachanteng food.

Imagine, if you will, a lovely woman tucking in to a plate of porkchops and spaghetti which is totally hidden by a layer of hot bubbly melted cheese, while guzzling something electric pink. It's a heart attack on a plate. How can she eat all that? Her aunties AND her doctor told her to avoid it, it will kill her, clog her arteries, give her zits, add weight, and make her smell like a white woman! She will never find a husband like that!

Mmmm, delicious!

Hello Kitty just loves cheese.
Maybe she doesn't want a husband. She's perfectly happy with her cat, or perhaps a pet iguana. She tucks into the goo, savouring each yummy mouthful. From my table near the back I enjoy the view, and adjust my spectacles. Odd. They misted over.
Must be all the Sriracha I dumped on my food.

Oh look, there's an elderly couple eating similar stuff.
Obviously not worrying about their digestion.
Gotta have fun occasionally.

No doctors here.

The place where I'm thinking of having lunch today does not have milk tea, or cheese, or real hot sauce, or porkchops. And lovely women younger than the fossil layer rarely go there.
But they have mui choi kau yiuk, and black bean spare ribs over rice.
And I have an urge for something fatty meat today.

I do not object to cats or iguanas.

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