Saturday, September 21, 2024


The bus was quite crowded this morning with tourists gaily off to see the cutest little artsy fartsy suburbia we boast in the Bay Area. And surely all the foreigners love Sausalito, its so Europäisch, gemütlich, künstlerisch und Böhmisch! Frankly, I'm not impressed. I do not like la di da. In fact, much of the area north of the bridge is Mau Mau territory several different ways in my estimation.

No, I will not solicit donations so that the nunnery can have lobster for fish Fridays. Or caviar. As far as I'm concerned religious types need to suffer and do penance, because they come from horrible backgrounds for which they have to make up. Non-Catholics also.

We never should have cancelled the beatings. They improved morale.

I've had a long day dealing with senile delinquents.

On a brighter note, we've had dense fog mornings and evenings. The bridge was covered in grey on the way back. You couldn't see anything. It was lovely.

Somewhere out there are flocks of pelicans.
Flying parallel to the bridge.

Very photogenic.
So one of the dingoes in the back tried to start a conversation about the Chinese in C'town, how they're thinner and healthier which is why you don't see walkers or wheelchairs there. Dude. There are plenty of walkers, they often block the isles on the bus going there. And wheelchairs mean someone is housebound because you can count the number of residential building elevators on the fingers of one hand. How the heck do you think they're going to get that thing down the narrow stairs?
He also asserted that they don't have diabetes unlike Midwestern tourists or other whites.

Public health statistics flat-out contradict his assertion.

Basically, he has a bug up his rear about white lard-butt tourists, which I can understand, but his statements were unfounded and based on his praeconceptions. And he wanted to score cheap points. Whereas when I make generalizations like that I do so specifically and deliberately because I want to insult people from places like Kansas.

Who are all heffalumps rolling around on Little Sherman Personal Mobility Devices clogging up the sidewalks. And their overweight six or eight sallow complexioned no-neck children.

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