Sunday, September 15, 2024


Sportsday. Which excites the reprehensibles. And their hanging strings of poop. Fortunately the disturber wasn't in, given that there was a second attempt on the worthless life of the small handed rotten pumpkin that lost the election. Third time's a charm. and how hard is it to hit a large barely moving orange target at four hundred yards? Yes, he's hepped to the gills on Jesus and adderal, but he's also carrying the weight of a full adutlt diaper.

The disturber would have riled up the others. And the noise would have been beyond belief. They're already convinced that the Democrats want to kill him. Listen, boyo, if we really wanted to do him in, he'd be dead, buried, and grave pissed upon by now. Okay?

Oh, and the Forty Niners lost today. Good.
Screw them and their supporters.
Rightwing yobbos.

The boys in the backroom are repulsive and scarcely bearable. The kind of people on whom you instinctively wish ill. Damnation and calumny. Debilitation, disease.
Them, their kin, and their damned sports team.
There was also a dead rodent in the parking lot. I think one of the repulsive chaps dropped his lunch. Picked it up with a baggy and disposed of it. Deceased animals are sometimes (often) the nicest part of the job. And so much easier. A sheer joy.

Anyhow, stress-echo test tomorrow, after which a spot to eat in C'town and a smoke before returning home. The weather ought to be nice. Low to mid sixties, somewhat overcast, very un-Californian. Yes, I know you were expecting tropical, you've seen both Bay Watch and Columbo, and several other American television series. They weren't filmed here, this ain't there. Sorry. And you look perfectly ridiculous in those shorts.

Take them off.

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