Wednesday, September 04, 2024


Some Facebook posts age like fine wine. Anger, calumny, bile, and snide vitupe rolled into a little turd pellet. The following was posted two or three years ago as a final goodbye to a group, and has resurfaced occasionally when circumstances called for it.
It is, truly, an evergreen.

"I joined this group thinking I had finally found some real pipesmokers but actually found a bunch of part time cork sniffers who like to show off their expensive pipes and tobacco. See ya, now you can comment on how glad you are to see me go and what a great pipe smoker you are."

A few people only smoke Captain Black in a cob, and everything else is pretentious.

Some poor bastard threw a huffy huf today, for which I am truly sorry. My piles bleed for him. I had nothing to do with his being traumatized, though, and I even offered words of support. Glibly haphazard dilletantish amateur psychoanalytic support, but support never-the-less.

I said that he would see Fluffy in heaven, and that it was all his mother's fault.

That covers all bases, I think.
Well, most of them.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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