Friday, June 28, 2024


As you know, a large part of the country is under a heat advisory. And other than folks who live in trailer parks, they have the air-con going full blast. Trailer parkers often have air-con too, but it's sheerly amazing how often the grid fails in their area. It's like the gubmint don't care about Arkansas (or Texas), you think?

Here in SF for most of the day yesterday it was around sixty two degrees and windy. Which was very pleasant. No wonder there are so many folks from out-of-town visiting, not just for the wonderful gay celebration on Sunday. Much nicer weather, food, and people.
Imagine Market Street filled with sequins, ruffles, and studded leather.
Oh, it is going to be so very fabulous!
You should come!

Myself, I am not one of those nicer people. I will be glad when it's over and all those folks go home. They're inconvenient, and many of them do not know how sidewalks work. A few days ago, while eating a late lunch, some tourists entered, and stupid questions time began.
My sympathies go out to everyone in the food and beverage service industry.

Yesterday I went to half a dozen different enterprises in Chinatown, and only at Walgreens did I hear English. At some places it's very understandable that customers won't speak that, seeing as they look forbidding by 'rest-of-the-country' standards, and probably don't have post cards, a bathroom, Big Macs, or beer. Which is undoubtedly deliberate.
I'm tired of San Francisco pretending it's a nice place. The news media in the rest of the country likes to paint us as an urban disaster zone, and we should encourage that.
San Francisco: it's nice if you live here, but please don't visit. Stay out.

We have barbed wire and we know how to use it.
Miles and miles of urban decay.
No Christians here.

If you go to Detroit, Poughkeepsie, or Florida, you will find plenty of attractive postcards, plus bathrooms, Big Macs, and lots of beer. You'll have a wonderful time!
Or visit Oakland. It's better.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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